Pembrokeshire Marine Code event - Shores | Digwyddiad Cod Morol Sir Benfro - Y Glannau
Wed 10 Apr 2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Coronation Hall, Dale, SA62 3RB
Come join us for the second in our 2024 series of Pembrokeshire Marine Code environmental training events.
An opportunity to learn more about the Pembrokeshire coastline, to enjoy and share with your customers.
A full day event aimed at activity operators and tourism organisations to:
- Discover and learn about the wildlife found along Pembrokeshire’s shores
- Learn about and have opportunity to discuss the challenges our shorelines face
- Explore best practice and codes of conduct to help minimise disturbance
- Highlighting the Wales Coast Explorer App, as a tool to identify, learn about and report wildlife sightings
An exciting line up of speakers, experts in their field, have been organised for the day, highlighting the animals and plants found on Pembrokeshire's shores.
The morning session provides time to hear inspirational talks from our esteemed speakers. This will be followed by an afternoon investigating the shores of Dale beach with three shoreline habitat experts - Sue Burton (Pembrokeshire Marine Area of Conservation Officer), John Archer-Thomson (Ecologist) and Lou Luddington (Marine Biologist).
Not available all day? It will be possible to join us for the morning or the afternoon sessions only. Morning (10.00am-1pm) Afternoon (2.00pm - 4pm). Please let us know at the time of booking.
Speaker spotlight:
John Archer-Thomson - Ecologist: John has spent his life in environmental education and conservation. A former deputy head of the Field Studies Council’s Dale Fort Field Centre in Pembrokeshire, John is now a freelance coastal ecologist, photographer, writer and tutor with a passion for the weird inhabitants of our intertidal habitats!
Lou Luddington – Marine Biologist: Lou has a PhD in marine biology and vast experience of the marine conservation and outdoor guiding sector, whilst also being a talented photographer. Check out some of her kindly contributed wonderful rocky shores images on the Wales Coast Explorer | Crwydro Arfordir Cymru App.
Sue Burton – Pembrokeshire Marine Area of Conservation Officer: Sue has a background in marine biology & oceanography and an HSE professional diving qualification. Her knowledge of the Pembrokeshire area both above and underwater, plus enthusiasm for conservation and educational work aids her role as Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation Officer.
Any questions, please contact Alec on or 07989 218489.
The Marine Code aims to protect Pembrokeshire’s amazing wildlife by promoting voluntary codes of conduct and seasonal agreed access restrictions. Helping preserve the safety of Pembrokeshire’s stunning wildlife for the enjoyment of everyone.
We are hosting a series of free environmental training events, come join us for our further events:
Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum TicketTailor events
Dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer y ail yn ein cyfres o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol Cod Morol Sir Benfro ar gyfer 2024.
Cyfle i ddysgu mwy am arfordir Sir Benfro, i fwynhau a rhannu gyda'ch cwsmeriaid.
Digwyddiad diwrnod llawn wedi’i anelu at weithredwyr gweithgareddau a sefydliadau twristiaeth i:
- Darganfod a dysgu am y bywyd gwyllt a geir ar hyd glannau Sir Benfro
- Dysgu am yr heriau sy'n wynebu ein traethlinau a chael cyfle i'w trafod
- Archwilio arfer gorau a chodau ymddygiad i helpu i leihau aflonyddwch
- Tynnu sylw at Ap Crwydro Arfordir Cymru/Wales Coast Explorer, fel offeryn i nodi, dysgu am ac adrodd am unrhyw achosion a welwyd
Trefnwyd cyfres gyffrous o siaradwyr, arbenigwyr yn eu maes, ar gyfer y diwrnod, gan dynnu sylw at yr anifeiliaid a’r planhigion sydd i’w cael ar lannau Sir Benfro.
Mae sesiwn y bore yn rhoi amser i glywed sgyrsiau ysbrydoledig gan ein siaradwyr uchel eu parch. Dilynir hyn gan brynhawn yn ymchwilio glannau traeth Dale gyda thri arbenigwr cynefinoedd traethlinau - Sue Burton (Swyddog Ardal Gadwraeth Forol Sir Benfro), John Archer-Thomson (Ecolegydd) a Lou Luddington (Biolegydd Morol).
Ddim ar gael drwy'r dydd? Bydd modd ymuno â ni ar gyfer sesiynau’r bore neu’r prynhawn yn unig. Bore (10.00am-1pm) Prynhawn (2.00pm - 4pm). Rhowch wybod i ni wrth archebu.
Sylw ar Siaradwyr:
John Archer-Thomson - Ecolegydd: Mae John wedi treulio ei oes ym myd addysg amgylcheddol a chadwraeth. Yn gyn-ddirprwy bennaeth Canolfan Faes Dale Fort y Cyngor Astudiaethau Maes yn Sir Benfro, mae John bellach yn ecolegydd arfordirol ar ei liwt ei hun, yn ffotograffydd, yn awdur ac yn diwtor ac yn angerddol dros drigolion hynod ein cynefinoedd rhynglanwol!
Lou Luddington – Biolegydd Morol: Mae gan Lou PhD mewn bioleg y môr a phrofiad helaeth o'r sector cadwraeth forol a thywys awyr agored, tra hefyd yn ffotograffydd dawnus. Edrychwch ar rai o'i lluniau glannau creigiog hyfryd sydd wedi'u cyfrannu'n garedig ar Ap Wales Coast Explorer | Archwilio Arfordir Cymru.
Sue Burton – Swyddog Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig Forol Sir Benfro: Mae gan Sue gefndir mewn bioleg forol ac eigioneg a chymhwyster plymio proffesiynol HSE. Mae ei gwybodaeth o ardal Sir Benfro uwchben ac o dan y dŵr, ynghyd â brwdfrydedd dros waith cadwraeth ac addysgol yn cynorthwyo ei rôl fel Swyddog Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig Forol Sir Benfro.
Unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch ag Alec ar neu 07989 218489.
Nod y Cod Morol yw gwarchod bywyd gwyllt rhyfeddol Sir Benfro trwy hyrwyddo codau ymddygiad gwirfoddol a chyfyngiadau mynediad cytunedig tymhorol. Helpu i warchod diogelwch bywyd gwyllt syfrdanol Sir Benfro er mwynhad pawb.
Rydym yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol am ddim, dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiadau pellach:
Coronation Hall, Dale, SA62 3RB