Pembrokeshire Marine Code event - Flora & Fauna| Digwyddiad Cod Morol Sir Benfro - Flora a Ffawna
Mon 10 Jun 2024 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Porthgain, SA62 5BN
Come join us for the last in our series of Pembrokeshire Marine Code environmental training events this Spring.
An opportunity to learn more about the Pembrokeshire coastline, to enjoy and share.
An evening event for community members, adventure activity operators and tourism organisations to:
- Discover and learn about the coastal wildflowers and wildlife found along the Pembrokeshire coast
- Learn more about the management of our coastal strip
- Explore best practice and codes of conduct to help minimise disturbance
- Highlighting the Wales Coast Explorer App, as a tool to identify and report wildlife sightings
An exciting line up of speakers from Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership, County Council Biodiversity team and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park have been organised for the evening, to allow attendees to be inspired and learn about the wildflowers and wildlife found along the Pembrokeshire coast.
There will be a focus on learning more about the invasive species impacting our coastal strip and how you can be a part of ongoing citizen science projects, helping keep track on Pembrokeshire's flora and fauna and the importance of reporting to land management and conservation.
The event will also give attendees plenty of opportunity to ask the knowledgeable speakers about Pembrokeshire’s coastal habitat and the amazing nature experiences it offers.
6pm: Meet at Porthgain carpark: After a short introduction we plan to go for an informal walk along the coast-path, discussing and investigating the flora and fauna along the way.
Speaker spotlight:
Ant Rogers, Biodiversity Implementation Officer, Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership: Ant is the Biodiversity Implementation Officer for the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership – working to promote and initiate actions for nature recovery across stakeholders in the county of Pembrokeshire. He first started working in environmental protection in the County in 1996 and has held many posts since. He now works across the public, private and third sectors to develop practical projects, promote collaborative working and embed nature recovery in decision making. Ant is a keen surfer, sailor and walker.
Trevor Theobald, Corporate Biodiversity Officer, Pembrokeshire County Council
Clare Flynn, Conservation Officer, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority: Clare Flynn has worked extensively in Outreach and Education in relation to nature and has developed a specialism in plants and insects, particularly bumblebees. Now working as a Conservation Officer for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, she is working with farmers and other landowners to facilitate land management to benefit nature, particularly those habitats and species which occur along the coastal belt. Clare is a keen wildlife recorder, County recorder for bees and enjoys teaching and encouraging others to identify and record wildlife in West Wales.
Mary Chadwick, Conservation Officer, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority: Mary is a Conservation Officer for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority on the ‘Conserving the Park’ scheme, which supports farmers and landowners who manage their land in a nature-friendly way. Outside work, Mary is Secretary to the Pembrokeshire Bat Group and Neyland Environment Group.
Any questions, please contact Alec on or 07989 218489.
The Marine Code aims to protect Pembrokeshire’s amazing wildlife by promoting voluntary codes of conduct and seasonal agreed access restrictions. Helping preserve the safety of Pembrokeshire’s stunning wildlife for the enjoyment of everyone.
We are hosting a series of free environmental training events, come join us for our further events:
Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum TicketTailor events
Dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer yr olaf yn ein cyfres o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol Cod Morol Sir Benfro y Gwanwyn hwn.
Cyfle i ddysgu mwy am arfordir Sir Benfro, i fwynhau a rhannu.
Cyfle i ddysgu mwy am arfordir Sir Benfro, i fwynhau a rhannu gyda'ch cwsmeriaid.
Digwyddiad gyda'r nos ar gyfer aelodau'r gymuned, gweithredwyr gweithgareddau antur a sefydliadau twristiaeth i:
- Darganfod a dysgu am y blodau gwyllt arfordirol a'r bywyd gwyllt a geir ar hyd arfordir Sir Benfro
- Dysgu mwy am reoli ein llain arfordirol
- Archwilio arfer gorau a chodau ymddygiad i helpu i leihau aflonyddwch
- Tynnu sylw at Ap Crwydro Arfordir Cymru, fel offeryn i nodi ac adrodd ar weld bywyd gwyllt
Trefnwyd grŵp cyffrous o siaradwyr o Bartneriaeth Natur Sir Benfro, tîm Bioamrywiaeth y Cyngor Sir a Pharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro ar gyfer y noson, er mwyn caniatáu i fynychwyr gael eu hysbrydoli a dysgu am y blodau gwyllt a’r bywyd gwyllt a geir ar hyd arfordir Sir Benfro.
Bydd ffocws ar ddysgu mwy am y rhywogaethau ymledol sy'n effeithio ar ein llain arfordirol a sut y gallwch fod yn rhan o brosiectau gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion parhaus, gan helpu i gadw golwg ar fflora a ffawna Sir Benfro a phwysigrwydd adrodd i reoli tir a chadwraeth.
Bydd y digwyddiad hefyd yn rhoi digon o gyfle i’r mynychwyr holi’r siaradwyr gwybodus am gynefin arfordir Sir Benfro a’r profiadau natur rhyfeddol y mae’n eu cynnig.
6pm: Cwrdd ym maes parcio Porthgain: Ar ôl cyflwyniad byr bwriadwn fynd am dro anffurfiol ar hyd llwybr yr arfordir, gan drafod ac ymchwilio i fflora a ffawna ar hyd y ffordd.
Sylw ar Siaradwyr:
Ant Rogers, Swyddog Gweithredu Bioamrywiaeth, Partneriaeth Natur Sir Benfro: Ant yw Swyddog Gweithredu Bioamrywiaeth Partneriaeth Natur Sir Benfro – yn gweithio i hyrwyddo a chychwyn camau gweithredu ar gyfer adferiad byd natur ar draws rhanddeiliaid yn Sir Benfro. Dechreuodd weithio ym maes diogelu'r amgylchedd yn y Sir am y tro cyntaf ym 1996 ac mae wedi dal llawer o swyddi ers hynny. Mae bellach yn gweithio ar draws y sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat a’r trydydd sector i ddatblygu prosiectau ymarferol, hyrwyddo cydweithio ac ymgorffori adferiad byd natur wrth wneud penderfyniadau. Mae Ant yn syrffiwr, morwr a cherddwr brwd.
Trevor Theobald, Swyddog Bioamrywiaeth Corfforaethol, Cyngor Sir Penfro
Clare Flynn, Swyddog Cadwraeth, Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro: Mae Clare Flynn wedi gweithio’n helaeth ym maes Allgymorth ac Addysg mewn perthynas â natur ac mae wedi datblygu arbenigedd mewn planhigion a thrychfilod, yn enwedig cacwn. Bellach yn gweithio fel Swyddog Cadwraeth i Barc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, mae’n gweithio gyda ffermwyr a thirfeddianwyr eraill i hwyluso rheolaeth tir er budd natur, yn enwedig y cynefinoedd a’r rhywogaethau hynny sydd i’w cael ar hyd y llain arfordirol. Mae Clare yn gofiadur bywyd gwyllt brwd, yn gofnodydd sirol ar gyfer gwenyn ac mae’n mwynhau dysgu ac annog eraill i adnabod a chofnodi bywyd gwyllt yng Ngorllewin Cymru.
Mary Chadwick, Swyddog Cadwraeth, Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro: Mae Mary yn Swyddog Cadwraeth i Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro ar y cynllun ‘Gwarchod y Parc’, sy’n cefnogi ffermwyr a thirfeddianwyr sy’n rheoli eu tir mewn ffordd sy’n gyfeillgar i natur. Y tu allan i'r gwaith, mae Mary yn Ysgrifennydd i Grŵp Ystlumod Sir Benfro a Grŵp Amgylchedd Neyland.
Unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch ag Alec ar neu 07989 218489.
Nod y Cod Morol yw gwarchod bywyd gwyllt rhyfeddol Sir Benfro trwy hyrwyddo codau ymddygiad gwirfoddol a chyfyngiadau mynediad cytunedig tymhorol. Helpu i warchod diogelwch bywyd gwyllt syfrdanol Sir Benfro er mwynhad pawb.
Rydym yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau hyfforddiant amgylcheddol am ddim, dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiadau pellach:
Porthgain, SA62 5BN