Welcome back, swifts!
Tue 16 Apr 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery, GU32 3HX
Please join Petersfield Climate Action Network for a fascinating FREE talk on swifts - on Tuesday 16th April at 7pm.
Hampshire Swifts was formed in 2016 in response to the ongoing decline of this iconic species. Shockingly, swifts have declined by more than 50% in the last 20 years, owing to a number of factors including the loss of suitable nesting sites. The charity's objective is to reverse the decline of swifts in Hampshire. They aim to achieve this by conserving existing nest sites, by installing nest boxes on existing and new buildings, and by working with planners, developers and ecologists to try to ensure that all suitable new developments have integral swift bricks.
Catharine Gale, a trustee of the charity, will tell us how to identify swifts and distinguish them from swallows and martins, the incredible life history of this enigmatic species, their migration patterns and their current status.
As part of this talk, you will also find out about an exciting local Swift Streets project which started last April in Penns Road and Station Road, where there are now 25 new swift boxes! Many more have been installed in Petersfield and the surrounding area since. Read more here: Swift Streets for Petersfield
Come along to find out more about these incredible birds and explore how you might be able to help the species survive and thrive into the future. Join us in The Courthouse at Petersfield Museum at 7pm.
The talk is completely free but donations are welcome.
Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery, GU32 3HX