Dublin Street Photography Workshop with Brendan O'Sé
Sat 29 Jun 2024 11:00 - 17:30 IST
Photo Museum Ireland, D02 X406
Become a street photographer for the day and dive deep into the heart of the city on this new exciting Street Photography Workshop with award-winning photographer Brendan O Sé.
Tell the story of the streets through photography and discover the beautiful, the strange and the unexpected aspects of everyday life.
In this full-day workshop with award-winning street photographer, Brendan Ó Sé, you will learn how to overcome your fears of photographing people and scenes on the street with easy-to-implement techniques as you become a more confident and competent street photographer.
You will begin the day with some heightening of visual awareness activities to sharpen your eye and allow you to reflect on your own photographic style. Then you will hit the streets of Dublin and put what you have been learning into practice with guided objectives of the type of street photography you want to shoot.
After the photo walk you will return to the Photo Museum of Ireland for a collaborative review and feedback session on your photographs and you will leave the workshop with images that you will be proud to share or print.
Whether you’re new to the world of street photography or looking to extend your skills, this is the workshop for you. This workshop is for all levels of ability and for all types of cameras, be they smartphones, DSLRs or old school film cameras.
Gain confidence taking photographs as you perambulate with expert guidance from Brendan, you will develop your own emerging identity as a street wandering flâneur.
You will also meet other like-minded street photography-enthusiasts as you venture out on the streets of Dublin to capture interesting, dynamic photographs. Be curious and discover what the streets will offer up to you by simply walking the streets with your camera, developing eye and tutor.
Whether you’re new to the world of street photography or looking to broaden your abilities this is the workshop for you.
After the street session you will return to Photo Museum Ireland and receive individual, personalised feedback from the tutor and fellow students.
By the end of this workshop you will have produced photographs to be proud of and have learnt valuable skills that will enhance your photography practice overall!
What will I learn?
- how to overcome your fears when taking photos on the street
- how to inhabit an environment as you shoot, to capture a fleeting moment
- how to anticipate photographic opportunities
- how to create a story in a single image
- how to capture candid street-life
- how to approach strangers on the street with confidence and empathy
- how to compose and construct visually
- how to manage your camera settings to achieve best results for both day-time and night-time conditions
- how to hunt and extract an interesting moment from the everyday
- how to find the subtleties within the busyness of city life
- and have had the opportunity to meet with fellow, like-minded street photographers and have had good fun out shooting street on the streets of Dublin.
What is Street Photography?
“One of the joys of photography is that you never know what will come at you from around the next corner.” – Tom Ang
Street photography is a powerful and perceptive genre within the medium of photography. It allows photographers to make compelling images in any kind of environment and to tell a story in a single shot.
Despite the name, street photography goes beyond the busy city streets, it could be the beach, the mountains or the road where you live. The idea is to capture the emotion and atmosphere of any location, no matter how exciting, ordinary or banal.
“All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice.” – Elliott Erwitt
You will be introduced to the distinctive world of street photography by looking at some pioneers of the genre, such as Joel Meyerwitz, Bruce Gilden, Fan Ho, Vivian Maeir, Alex Webb, and contemporary examples such as Tony O Shea, Dina Alfasi, Polly Rysun, Xyza Bacani, and more.
Exploring the magnificent work of some of the masters of street photography will provide you with valuable insights and, led by Brendan, you will examine their techniques and approaches to the craft.
Gaining this knowledge will allow you to improve your own street photography skills, and develop your own photographic style and unique voice through your lens. The masters can open our eyes to how we can challenge the everyday and to find something new in the ordinary.
About the Tutor
Brendan O’Sé is an award-winning photographer / photography educator from Cork, Ireland. He has delivered many workshops and exhibited his photography around the world. Using either the iPhone, Fuji X100V or a Nikon D7000, he tries to see and create in unusual ways and this results in some unique imagery and striking street photography. His most recent exhibition was in conjunction with the Irish Embassy in Germany’s showcase of modern Irish Street Photography.
After you sign up you will receive full workshop details via email.
Please email info@photomuseumireland.ie if you have any questions or phone 01 6714654
Photo Museum Ireland, D02 X406