Adult Community Training - Rights vs. Risks
Mon 20 Nov 2023 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM PST
Online, Google Hangouts
Dignity of Risk and the Right to Habilitation
Service providers can, at times, exhibit a great deal of control over the lives of the people they support. Our role is to ensure the safety of the individuals we serve while also affording them a sense of dignity and autonomy. We will explore some of the following topics:
Habilitation: Teaching individuals the skills to achieve as much independence as possible.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Habilitation
Guiding Meaningful Choices: How to support individuals in making choices that matter to them.
- Problem Solving: What do we do when we suspect that their choice might not be the best one?
Ensuring Safety: How can we ensure their well-being?
Understanding Implications: What if they don't fully grasp the potential outcomes of their decisions?
Respecting Autonomy: Treating adults with developmental disabilities with the respect they deserve, rather than as children.
This event will take place on Monday, November 20, 2023, from 12 - 2 pm PT / 1 - 3 pm MT