Soul Retrieval Shamanic Healing Workshop
Sat May 27, 2023 10:00 AM - Sun May 28, 2023 4:00 PM
Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, CT9 2HS
Soul retrieval is a method used by Shamanic practitioners to heal and restore a persons spirit following soul loss, transforming, healing and empowering them.
During this weekend workshop I will teach you 3 different methods of soul retrieval, to perform for your own healing, and also how to use them to heal others. I will be showing you how to create sacred space, cleanse your energy field and protect yourself from negative energies in the spiritual realm so you can do this work safely and successfully.
Soul loss occurs during our life time when we experience trauma. A common example of such traumatic experiences could be being left by a parent, a friend a or partner. Feeling rejected and abandoned a part of our spiritual essence, a soul part, separates and journeys into the lower realm (our inner realm or subconscious) where it feels safe, in a place far away from the trauma.
In Mayan shamanism, the story is told that whilst they reside in the lower realm dimension, they are protected by 'Huasca' the god of the underworld. We are still connected to these soul parts by a thread, but we are unable to access our full potential, power, visionary abilities and creativity. Perhaps feeling a little numb to life, or perhaps making a contract to not allow ourselves to love or trust another person fully again because of our traumatic experience. We have all experienced trauma in our lives, and we have all experienced soul loss at one time or another, most likely multiple times.
When a shamanic practitioner performs a soul retrieval they access a trance state which allows them to journey into the spiritual lower world landscape to find and recover these lost soul parts for the client. During the weekend workshop, I will teach you how to develop deep trance states that will enable you to journey on behalf of a client into the lower realm, and retrieve lost soul parts for them. I will show you how to bring their soul parts home, and how to help the client with the integration process so these soul parts stay connected and become a source of healing, transformation and power.
We will also cover how to teach the client how to access this realm themselves for healing, there are 2 different ways to retrieve their energy, working directly with Huasca in a traditional Peruvian ceremony, or calling back energy in a traditional Mexican Toltec ceremony.
This workshop will be playful, and experiential. It runs over 2 days 10 am - 4 pm, with a 1 hour lunch break around 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm.
WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP FOR? Anyone who wishes to experience soul retrieval!
No previous experience is required of shamanism or ceremony, as I will cover all the basics. Further mentoring, support and shamanic training is available should you wish to progress once you have explored these teachings.
This course is ideal for anyone already working in the healing arts to enhance their skill set and deepen their understanding of their clients spiritual healing potential.
This course can be used as part of the Shamanic Practitioner Apprenticeship Training programme offered by Plant Spirit Medicine Woman.
Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, CT9 2HS