Foreign Missions Conference
Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Trinity Presbyterian North Bay, 94954
What is God doing to build his church in a closed country in Asia?
Come find out at the Spring Foreign Missions Conference, hosted by the Presbytery of Northern California and Nevada.
We will hear a missions-focused sermon from Pastor Brian Tsui, from Covenant Presbyterian Church in San Jose.
We will also have two presentations from a missionary to a closed country in Asia, who is currently carrying out his ministry from the U.S.A.
All our missionaries frequently share news and prayer requests by email, but at an event like this a missionary in a closed country can speak more freely about the opportunities and challenges affecting his work.
Lunch will be served (for free!) between morning and afternoon presentations, and we will wrap up early enough for out-of-town guests to return home. Kids are welcome!
The work of Foreign Missions is enormous, and each of us has a role to play.
As a Committee, we are praying that this conference will:
- stir your interest in Foreign Missions
- inform your prayers for our missionaries and the people to whom they proclaim the Gospel
- equip you to promote the work of missions within your home congregation
- kindle your desire to reach unbelievers with the Gospel
We hope you will come ready to be humbled, inspired, and deployed.
On a related note, the committee invites you to sign up for missionary updates, requests, and news.
Trinity Presbyterian North Bay, 94954