Field Day for Hazelnut Growers
Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Ioka Farms, 97381
Calling all hazelnut growers! Join us for a field day at Ioka Farms in Marion County. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about soil health practices to incorporate on your own operation.
We will begin the day learning about Ioka Farms’ development of soil health over time, including challenges and successes. We’ll then go on a walking tour of the farm’s equipment and view the soil health trailer rainfall demonstration. Finally, you’ll get to hear from local service providers and researchers about financial programs available, technical assistance, and equipment rental programs. Of course, there will be time for questions and networking with your fellow producers!
- Date: June 13, 2024
- Time: 1:00-3:30pm
- Cost: Free
- RSVP: Appreciated!
- Location: Ioka Farms (44.918687, -122.798484), intersection of Cascade Highway NE and State Street where red dot is on the map attached at the bottom.
- Ioka Farms Introduction - history with conservation cover in hazelnut establishment/soil health over time
- Discussion with Ioka Farms’ Farm Manager about conservation cover establishment challenges and successes
- Walking tour of equipment used on farm
- Soil health trailer rainfall demonstration
- Updates from the Science Sector with research shared from OSU and U of O
- Q & A time with NRCS and local SWCDs about financial programs available, technical assistance, and equipment rental programs
- Time for networking and questions
If you have any questions, need to request accommodations or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Theresa Brehm, (971) 273-4814,
(Farm images provided by Ioka Farms)
Ioka Farms, 97381