Avon Estuary Cleanup by Kayak
Tue 2 Jul 2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Till the coast is clear, ///tingled.taker.fastening
Join Gary Jolliffe from Till The Coast Is Clear in collaboration with The Positive Nature Network to see the real impact of pollution on our riverbanks and come along for a kayak and cleanup.
Event Outline
Embarking upon the tranquil waters of the Avon estuary, we will head on an expedition of discovery and conservation, propelled by the gentle rhythm of our paddles. When we get to our destination we will begin cleansing our precious coastline from the scourge of pollution, before having lunch and a gentle stroll back.
Gary Jolliffe will lead us for the day, sharing advice and knowledge from his expertise in tackling shoreline plastic pollution and leading nature regeneration & reconnection projects.
- Timings TBC
What do I need?
Just yourself. Lunch and kit will be provided.
How strenuous will this be?
It will be on your terms. We have plenty of time to make along the river and back, there will be no pressure to go at anything other than a pace you are comfortable with. Please contact us if you wish to discuss.
How many will be there?
Due to the limited number of kayaks, this event can only accommodate 14, it will be on a first come, first served basis.
There is a tendency (when something is free in particular) to book with the intention of coming, please respect you may be taking someone else's space and let us know at the earliest opportunity if you can't make it.
What impact will this event have?
We will weigh the collected rubbish, and we are encouraging everyone in attendance to download the Climate Games app.
This will allow us to measure both our workout contribution and our pollution reduction.
Can I sponsor the event?
Yes, the event is free and funded by sponsors looking to align with the positive impact of the event, if that's you, then please contact us.
Till the coast is clear, ///tingled.taker.fastening