PPL/IR Europe Flyout at Peter's Saturday 17th August 2024
Sat 17 Aug 2024 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Wayback, The Green, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 0JT
As pilots we are always looking forward for an opportunity to fly, to learn, and to socialise. This year Peter Austin has kindly opened the doors to his home to host a PPL/IR Europe summer flyout!
Pilots will be able to fly into Blackbushe Information/Radio (EGLK), and be driven to Peter's home; or alternatively Fairoaks Radio (EGTF). Biggin Hill Airport is also not too far.
We will be providing some training followed by a social BBQ, including food for vegans, vegetarians, gluten intolerant, and pescatarians, plus soft drinks. Ticket prices include the seminar, lifts (to and from the airport) and food. Pilots will pay landing fees direct and taxi fees should they wish to travel to Peter's home by their own means. Please book your tickets using the link below.
Times (note all times are local (BST))
- 12.00 BST: Pilots start arriving by air. Events coordinate rides to-and-from Peter’s home: Wayback, The Green, Pirbright, Surrey. GU24 0JT.
- 12.30: Pilots start arriving by land (or taxi from airports) – tea, coffee, and pastries available on arrival.
- 13.00: PPL/IR Europe training (topic by popularity vote in advance for those purchasing a ticket).
- 14.00: BBQ food and soft drinks (under gazebo if raining).
- 16.00: People start leaving – return lifts to airport (pilots can book direct if wanting to leave earlier).
Wayback, The Green, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 0JT