Fri 20 Sep 2024 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
The Forum, NR2 1TF
We are looking for brave “soles” to take on our fundraising firewalk to make a difference
to the lives of our patients and their loved ones, while also transforming your own.
While firewalking barefoot over hot coals, feeling the heat and power of the flames, you'll learn to overcome fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. This symbolic act represents the ability to overcome any obstacle and achieve anything you set your mind to.
7.30pm Arrive and join your co walkers.
8.00pm The hot coals are lit ready to heat up for your walk.
8.30pm Take part in the “Empowerment Talk” ready to face the walk.
9.30pm Time to brave the coals and walk the fire.
Spectators are welcome.
You must be aged 18 or over to take part in the firewalk.
£15 registration fee and a pledge to raise a minimum of £100.
Or £115 to walk without raising sponsorship.
Imagine how you will feel after Firewalking – if you can walk on fire, what else can you achieve if you put your mind to it?
A few words from our Firewalk expert
Charity Fire Walk | Charity Firewalk | Norwich
Benefits of taking part in a firewalk
At first, the idea of walking through fire might seem daunting. However, the positive results experienced by our participants are living proof of the amazing effects of this experience.
1. Firewalks shatter comfort zones.
We're all living inside tiny bubbles of comfort that prevent us from experiencing all life has to offer. Firewalks have the ability to improve our willingness to expand those boundaries.
2. They establish strong connections.
Going through challenging experiences has the power to build bridges between people, making firewalks the perfect solution for team building within charities.
3. Firewalks build character.
There’s something that sticks with participants after a firewalk. They walk taller, stand firmer, and talk more confidently. This undeniable change is the result of the strong character formation that happens in such a short period of time during these events.
4. They shift perspectives.
Nobody goes into a firewalk completely confident of their ability to walk through the flames. By the end, however, everybody is instilled with the knowledge that they're capable of so much more. This shift in perspective is transferrable to other endeavours within your charity which leads to greater performance and achievement overall.
As an incentive, each year our event hosts, Charity Firewalk offer an award to the individual that raises the most money for their chosen charity. Just send us your details after your walk and let us know how much you raised, and we will let them know.
The Forum, NR2 1TF