Why UBIT is not a “Four Letter Word”?
Thu May 23, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Why UBIT is not a “Four Letter Word”
Generating income is a constant struggle for 501(c)(3) organizations. Revenue sources ebb and flow, so revenue source diversification is important. As a result, 501(c)(3)s often explore new ways to generate income. Some of these income ideas may generate unrelated business income which may be taxable. During this webcast, we will
- Define unrelated business income;
- Identify the risks of generating unrelated business income; and
- Discuss how 501(c)(3)s can generate additional income using the exceptions, exemptions, and modifications to unrelated business income rules.
Speakers: Madeline Obler, Managing Counsel, American Cancer Society
Robyn Miller, Senior Corporate/Tax Counsel, Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89758952932?pwd=cnVBeXphSUZtNlRHdEx1RHkvTmJ1Zz09
Date and Time: May 23 at 12pm