Ryan Young Training
Fri Jul 5, 2024 9:00 AM - Sun Jul 7, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
Rock Ranch, Tenino, WA, 98589
About Ryan Young
I am a 6 time USA Pro MotoTrials National Champion that has been participating in trials for the last 45 years, and teaching Trials schools for over 35 years. I am dedicated to teaching Trials techniques that will produce champions no matter what motorcycle brand you ride or what motorcycle discipline you enjoy. My teaching has produced many Trials champions and some of these champions have gone on to be national and world champions in other types of off-road motorcycle disciplines.
Train to Win
It's all about being "at one" with your motorcycle. Trials techniques will teach you how to ride your motorcycle to its fullest potential and achieve the results you strive for. Training and learning new Trials techniques are the key to success for any new Trials or Enduro rider.
2 day Premier and 1 day Expert classes are being offered
2 day Premier class on July 6-7 (Saturday - Sunday)
1 day Expert class on July 5 (Friday)
Ryan Young Training Event
- online only
- registration will close the night before the event
- July 4th (Expert) at 6PM
- July 5th (Premier) at 6PM
- spectators must register (no fee)
- We will be offering refunds
- 100% refund until June 7th
- 50% refund until June 21st
- contact signup.pst@gmail.com
- Only persons registered for the event may attend.
- Spectators are welcome but must register.
- 2 day Premier and 1 day Expert classes are being offered
During this two-day weekend course, Ryan will teach, explain, demonstrate, and coach each Trials technique from the essential fundamentals to the most advanced Trials techniques that Trials and extreme Enduro riders use to win championships! The training format is designed to help each rider develop a solid skill base and quickly advance in ability. Particular attention is paid to identifying and eliminating "bad habits" that stunt the growth of all riders at all levels.
- Expert Trials or Enduro riders in your area? Organizers and clubs can add this Expert Focus class on a Thursday or Friday before the two-day Premier Class. Ryan will help riders dramatically improve on specific advanced Trials techniques used by the World's best. This course will focus one full day on advanced techniques explained in a way that the rider can understand and apply immediately. If you want to bring your skills to the next level, this is the class for you!
- Please be ready to ride by 9:00 AM.
- Training will go until about 5:00 each day.
- The lunch break will be around noon.
- Like most fun things in life you can get hurt riding motorcycles, even at low speed.
- PST strongly recommends participant have personal medical insurance coverage.
- Use proper equipment and have that equipment in proper operation
Required Equipment
- trials bike
- trials tires
- spark arrestor
- suitable helmet (must be worn anytime you are riding your bike)
- Rock Ranch is private property. Please help us be good stewards of this property, avoid driving through or parking in muddy areas. Please respect any areas of the pits that is ribboned off to minimize our impact.
- Dry camping Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights available. Due to limited space trailers over 24 feet are not recommended.
- The hill down to the parking area is a narrow double track (single vehicle width) with limited visibility and no room to pass. If you are leaving before the event is over please ask someone to stop traffic at the top unless you like backing down the hill.
- There are many options to get yourself to Wa-507 south of Rainier. Turn South (left from Rainier) onto Johnson Creek Road, Proceed about a half mile, The gate to the venue will be on your left. Look for the PST arrows and banners.
- Google Maps Address: 15230 Johnson Creek Rd SE, Tenino, WA 98589
- Be aware that Apple Maps puts this address a couple miles farther down Johnson Creek Road than it is. If you pass Mountain Stone Aggregate you’ve gone too far.
About the event, please contact info@olymoto.com.
Registration issues? Please email signup.pst@gmail.com
Thank you to our sponsors