Railroadin' Bus Tour with Dan Bolyard
Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Quincy Valley Historical Society & Museum, 98848
Join us for this visit to learn about the important of the railroad along current day Highway 28 east to Reardan. We will stop at several sites along the way, including a remnants of towns, and visit the Inland NW Railroad Museum in Reardan for a tour and ride on their narrow gauge railroad (included).
Dan is the author of "Big Bend Railroads" (Arcadia Publishing) and is the area's foremost authority on "all things railroad". We will also make a lunch stop at the Tribune Smokehouse in Davenport, Washington, where you may purchase lunch on your own or bring a sack lunch. Snacks and water are included in the tour.
NOTE: You must be able to stand and walk short distances for this tour.
Quincy Valley Historical Society & Museum, 98848