RSSB Standards Quarterly Update webinar Sept 2024
Mon 9 Sep 2024 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM BST
Online, MSTeams
RSSB is hosting several webinars you can watch remotely, with the opportunity to engage and ask questions about key updates and initiatives.
Standards Update – September 2024
This live, online and interactive event will provide an update on both the new and the updated standards published in Sept 2024.
Join RSSB’s Standards team for their quarterly update. This month’s briefing covers updates to the Rules relating the use GSM-R, walking on or near the line, Optimising drivers’ use of audible warnings, the operation of route and line proving trains and new signs for certain types of permissible and temporary speed restrictions, and their application.
There will also be presentations covering Rolling stock compatibility with CCS subsystems and the outputs from the research project into the review of the risks associated with using hydrogen fuelled rolling stock.
As usual, there will be a round-up of what standards are in the pipeline for consultation and publishing, followed by a Q&A session.
Please register using the above link and the webinar address will be sent to you in the confirmation email.
If you would like to submit any questions before the webinar, please do so by emailing us at:
Please note the webinar will be recorded but if you wish to ask a question you can do so anonymously.
For more information on how RSSB uses your personal information please refer to this privacy notice.