Invasive Species Removal - Yellow Flag Iris (Morning)
Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Lamb's Inn, 1679 Blair Road, Cambridge, ON, N3H 4R8
We will be removing Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) from along a recently restored cold water creek and/or along the Grand River.
Yellow Flag Iris (Iris pseudacorus) is a perennial aquatic plant native to Europe, western Asia and North Africa. It spreads by seeds and underground rhizomes. The creation of dense mats can block water flow, displace native vegetation, and reduce habitat for native fish and birds.
Bauman, Newman and Cruickston Creek are small stream systems that span across rare’s Blair properties. Newman and Cruickston Creek serve as health indicators for the Cliffs and Alvars forests as the streams serve as ecological corridors, allowing water to travel across several ecosystems, feeding nutrients, water, and native species to the forest.
Bauman Creek is a critical creek system as part of the Bauman Creek Wetland Complex, belonging to the Provincially Significant Wetland Barrie’s Lake. Bauman Creek connects the Ancient Woods Forest area to Blair Flats, serving as a health indicator for Ancient Woods, Hogsback, surrounding forests and Blair Flats.
Invasive removal is critical in these creeks because if plant material of the invasive yellow iris float down the stream, the plant can spread through the creek system across the landscape.
Instruction on species ID, removal techniques and its impact on native ecosystems will be provided.
10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. - Meet at Lamb's Inn (1679 Blair Road)
10:10 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - Travel to site and removal of invasive species
12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Site cleanup and return to Lamb's Inn.
Recommended Clothing:
- Sturdy, closed-toed shoes and socks
- Layers of loose, comfortable clothing that can get dirty
- Long-sleeved shirt (that can be tucked)
- A hat is recommended
Remember to bring:
- A refillable water bottle
- Snacks and/or packed lunch
- Work gloves if you have them
- Sunscreen, insect repellent
- Rain coat (if in forecast)
We will bring:
- Extra work gloves
- Equipment
- First Aid
- Since we will be working in remote area(s) of the property, washroom facilities will only be available at the start and end of each session at Lamb’s Inn
Safety Considerations:
- In some areas of the property there are hazardous plant species like Poison Ivy and Giant Hogweed. On the event day you will be given tips on how to identify these plant species and how to best protect yourself.
Lamb's Inn, 1679 Blair Road, Cambridge, ON, N3H 4R8