Open Mic & Practical Chat: MANIFESTO!
Sun 21 Jul 2024 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join hosts Jen Feroze and Degna Stone for a Sunday afternoon delve into poetry - come as you are :)
This month we’re chatting about manifesto poems!
Poetry is a way of connecting with ourselves, and understanding the world around us. Manifesto poems are one way of galvanising ourselves into action, no matter how small that action might be.
The late poet Julia Darling loved a good manifesto poem. Here's her poem A Short Manifesto For My City.
In 2004 she wrote, “I recommend writing ones own manifesto. Like new blood, it quite fires one up, and makes you feel like charging into the streets. I am putting my personal manifesto for Newcastle onto this site, and would like to know what readers of this log would put in their own manifesto. I like the word MANIFESTO very much. It’s powerful and makes me think of women on horses!”
We'll kick off as usual with our open mic before diving into the chat. We'll let the conversation flow naturally but we might think about the following: What does your poetry mean to you? What place do you want your poetry to take in the world? Is poetry a personal thing that helps you make sense of life or do you want your poems to change the world? Maybe you just want to make the readers/listeners/viewers of your poetry feel less alone. Come along and let us know!
Open Mic poets and Women Poets' Network subscribers receive free entry! To join the WPN, and receive free entry to all our online events, please click here.
Priority will be given to new readers, please submit one poem only.
Please note, that once the open mic has started, latecomers will be admitted in the breaks between each poet.
12.30 - 12.35 pm - Welcome
12.35 - 1.35 pm - Our open mic is one poem per person, max 14 line-up. We screen share your poems for accessibility. Plus, it's wonderful to see people's craft at work.
This month we're sharing manifesto poems! Send us poems that aim to set the world to rights or send us poems that will just help us to navigate our way through the coming day. They can be funny or serious, or a mix of both.
1.35 - 2 pm - Our practical chat this month is all about those bits of writing advice we pick up along the way.
You don't need to be an expert to join the conversation, your curiosity is more than enough! Bring your compassion and encouragement, and let's see where the conversation will take us.
2 - 2.30 pm - Our optional breakout rooms give you the opportunity to continue the conversation in smaller groups. They're also the perfect place to make connections with other women poets across the UK, so stick around if you can.