Reconstructionist Learning Series
Sun May 17, 2020 4:00 PM - Sun May 31, 2020 5:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Join us for the 4-part series: Reconstructionist Learning Series, Sponsored by the Chesapeake Area Congregations
We have rescheduled the Chesapeake Day of Learning into a series of virtual learning sessions, which will be opened to everyone to showcase the splendor of the Chesapeake area congregations. Registration is free, but donations are welcomed! You must register for each session to receive the zoom link to attend.
Series Schedule
Sunday, April 26 at 4 p.m. EASTERN
“Reconstructionism: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” with Rabbi Jacob Staub from Reconstructing Judaism
Facilitatied by Carol Stern & Miriam Eisenstein from Adat Shalom
Join Rabbi Jacob Staub for a discussion of our evolving Reconstructionist Jewish community.
Rabbi Jacob Staub, Ph.D., directs Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations, a multichannel initiative that fosters communal conversations about the urgent issues of the day. He also directs the Spiritual Direction Program at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, where he has taught since 1983.
From 1983 to 1989, Staub edited the influential publication, The Reconstructionist. Among other works, he is the author of The Creation of the World According to Gersonides (1982) and co-author with Rebecca T. Alpert of Exploring Judaism, A Reconstructionist Approach (1985, revised edition 2000.)
Sunday, May 3 at 4 p.m. EASTERN
“Judaism, the Natural World, and You!” with Rabbi Daria Jacobs-Velde from Oseh Shalom
Facilitated by Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb from Adat Shalom
Judaism developed out of a deep connection to the wondrous cycles of birth, death, and the rhythms of life on this planet. Yet most of us live so deeply immersed in the world of “disconnection” that we do not even see its impact on us. In today’s children - whose lives are generally even more disconnected from these rhythms- we can see the drastic impact of such a lifestyle with rising rates of suicide, obesity, mental health issues, and numerous other challenges. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast or prefer -or need - to be inside, come to this experiential workshop to learn some of the theory behind the importance of deep nature connection as well as simple practices to help connect you and your loved ones to Judaism and the natural world.
Daria Jacobs-Velde, co-Rabbi at Oseh Shalom, had a winding journey to the rabbinate, and to MD. Along the way she lived in four states and two countries (Japan and Israel), and found that Judaism and connecting to one’s Jewish roots can be a powerful pathway to tapping into one’s potential for a) being more fully alive, b) facing fear and discomfort, and c) sharing one’s gifts. In her personal and professional life she particularly enjoys deepening in these ways, and supporting others in doing so as well.
Sunday, May 17 at 4 p.m. EASTERN
“Radical Inclusion” with Rabbi Gilah Langner from Kol Ami
Facilitated by John Riehl from Oseh Shalom
Learn about one congregation’s experience opening our entire worship practice to non-Jews as well as Jews. Kol Ami in Virginia is one of the few radically inclusive congregations in the country; we’ll discuss the process we went through and our experience over the last two years with our inclusiveness policy.
Rabbi Gilah Langner serves Kol Ami in Arlington, VA — Virginia’s only Reconstructionist congregation. She also serves part-time as rabbi of Shirat HaNefesh, a congregation in Chevy Chase, MD.
Sunday, May 31 at 4 p.m. EASTERN
“Progressive Israel” with Idan Sharon, Israeli Emissary at Adat Shalom
Facilitated by Rabbi Maurice Harris from Reconstructing Judaism
Hear an Israeli Emissary’s discovery of progressive Judaism in Israel and learn about progressive Judaism and progressive Zionist organization in Israel.
Idan Sharonfrom Bet Shemesh is currently the Israeli Emissary to Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation. Idan was a lecturer in the IDF and then became a lecturer on behalf of the HaMidrasha BeOranim. Idan is a Sustainable Vegan Gay Social-Democrat and a huge nerd.