Ritualwell's Omer Campaign Raffle
Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:00 PM - Thu Apr 29, 2021 EDT
Online, Zoom
We are holding a raffle as part of Ritualwell’s Omer Campaign. You can buy as many tickets as you want for each item in order to be entered to win amazing prizes! Choose from poetry books, handmade challah, Hebrew lessons, a Mizrachi cooking class, one-on-one spiritual counseling, writing coaching, and more! Raffle winners will be announced at our special event on Lag B’Omer, April 29th @ 7pm ET.
Unlimited entries per person – buy more then one ticket to increase your chance to win!
Winners will be announced at our special event Lag B’Omer, April 29th @ 7pm ET and will be contacted by email or phone. One winner per prize. Prizes cannot be exchanged for their monetary value.
$3 Tickets:
Item #1: Signed poetry book: "Etching the Ghost" – $16 value | Cathy Cohen
Poet and painter Cathleen Cohen artfully paints a compelling sequence of scenes and portraits encompassing joy, freedom, violence, trauma, and the challenge of facing mortality. Purchase a copy here
Item #2: Signed liturgy book: "Place Yourself: Words of Prayer & Intention" – $40 value | Trisha Arlin
PLACE YOURSELF, by Trisha Arlin, with a Foreword by Rabbi Jill Hammer and original artwork by Mike Cockrill, is a book of original prayer, kavannot and liturgical poems. Purchase a copy here.
Item #3: Reconstructing Judaism swag – $36 value | Reconstructing Judaism
A useful bundle of branded items from Reconstructing Judaism: a tote, water bottle, mask, phone sleeves, pens and notepads.
Item #4: Signed book: "Turn It and Turn It for Everything Is in It" – $48 value | Jonathan Kligler
In this volume of essays on each weekly Torah portion, Rabbi Jonathan Kligler shares choice insights from his decades of study and teaching. Purchase a copy here.
Item #5: Signed book: "Choosing Judaism: 36 Stories" – $18 value | Diana Phillips
Choosing Judaism is a collection of thought-provoking, intimate and inspiring personal essays on what it means to choose or be chosen as a member of the Jewish people. Purchase a copy here.
Item #6: Ritualwell Simcha Cards – $15 value | Naomi Izen
Mark the joyous moments in your life with a pack of 5 Ritualwell Simkhah greeting cards designed by artist Naomi Izen. Click here to purchase a set.
Item #7: Signed book: "This Precious Life"– $17 value | Alden Solovy
In This Precious Life, liturgist Alden Solovy presents prayers, poetry, and meditations inspired by encounters with God. Click here to purchase a copy.
$5 tickets:
Item #8: Homemade beeswax candles – $25 value | Shoshana Lovett-Graff
Usher in light with these nature-themed handmade beeswax candles, sourced from organic beeswax. Beeswax is long-burning, safe for allergies, and non-toxic.
Item #9: Homemade Challah (Philadelphia area only) – $18 value | Adva Chattler
Indulge with two challahs for your Shabbat dinner, lovingly made by Adva Chattler and delivered to your door!
Item #10: Omer Practice Deck (2019) – $50 value | D'vorah Horn
This set of Omer Cards (2019), created by artist D'vorah Horn, is meant to be used for viewing/study/using as a guide for an intentional practice. Purchase a set here.
Item #11: Malachim Angel Cards – $25 value | Deborah Eisenbach-Budner
Malachim is the Hebrew word for messengers or angels. Each of the 40 MALACHIM Jewish Angel Cards has an artistic image and a blessing word in English, Hebrew, and transliteration on one side. Purchase a set here.
Item #12: A blessing for the home art print – $54 value | Betsy Teutsch
Decorate your home with this special art and bring all the blessings in. To purchase click here.
$10 tickets:
Item #13: One-on-one creative writing coaching session – $150 value| Hila Ratzabi
Take your writing to the next level! We will meet for one hour to brainstorm ideas, discuss the writing process, hone your craft, and develop writing strategies tailored to your project (1 hour session).
Item #14: One-on-one spiritual counseling session with Rabbi Haviva Ner-David – $80 value | Rabbi Connect
Connect online with a rabbi to receive spiritual support on your personal journey (1 hour). To book a session click here.
Item #15: One-on-one spiritual counseling session with Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein – $80 value | Rabbi Connect
Connect online with a rabbi to receive spiritual support on your personal journey (1 hour). To book a session click here.
Item #16: One-on-one spiritual counseling session with Rabbi Elyssa Cherney – $80 value | Rabbi Connect
Connect online with a rabbi to receive spiritual support on your personal journey (1 hour). To book a session click here.
Item #17: Classical Hebrew Fundamentals online course – $180 value | Tamar Kamionkowski
Always wanted to give your Hebrew learning a boost? Here is a way to start! Enroll in a course today!
Item #18: Two-session Coaching Package – $270 value |Gari Julius Weilbacher
Do you have a dream project you want to actualize? Is it time to make friends with your health and nutrition or virtually declutter your space? Whatever is stopping you, Gari offers compassion, accountability and partnership to move you toward a life of ease. Click here to book a session with Gari.
Item #19: One-hour Mizrahi cooking class (choose from 3 meals) – $154 value | Adva Chattler
Meet one on one with Adva to create a beautiful and full meal - either for a holiday, Shabbat, or anything you would like to learn about the Mizrachi kitchen.
About Ritualwell
Ritualwell is the most extensive online resource that curates original Jewish rituals for Jews and fellow seekers. We publish rituals, ceremonies, prayers and poems to mark sacred moments in Jewish life. Through creating and sharing rituals, hosting Ritualwell Immersions (online learning experiences), curating an online Judaica shop and hosting Rabbi Connect, Ritualwell fosters a supportive environment for Jewish creativity, spiritual growth and discovery. Learn more at www.ritualwell.org.
Ritualwell is committed to offering an accessible space to our community members. We commit to:
- Providing participants with all the session materials ahead of time
- Providing automated captions on all live sessions
- Providing subtitles for all recorded sessions
- Using the chat function and read it aloud during the sessions
- Asking for participant accessibility needs and doing our best to accommodate them. Please feel welcome to contact us at ritualwell@reconstructingjudaism.org.