Revelation and Relationship: Receiving Torah in a Time of Global Change
Thu May 13, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
The 19th-century Rebbe Yitzchak Meir Alter wrote: “The giving of Torah happened at one specific time, but the receiving of Torah happens all the time, in every generation.”
In our time together we'll be exploring a new way to receive Torah – in the broadest sense of the word. We'll begin with an exploration of a new expanded Shavuot practice that will focus on different Jewish texts – moving from the Torah to contemporary liturgy, novels, art, and even films. Held by that conceptual structure, we'll move into a grounding practice of simple movements, a short guided meditation to help us embody the capacity for inward revelation, and then a period of personal reflection and writing, drawing, or both. Our time together will end with an open discussion on what came through you and what is possible for us as a people when we take a new step in our collective journey of celebration in the midst of God’s creation.
Elias Ramer was ordained a maggid in 2012. Under the name Andrew Ramer he's the author of four books of midrash – Queering the Text: Biblical, Medieval, and Modern Jewish Stories; Torah Told Different: Stories for a Pan/Poly/Post-Denominational Era; Deathless: The Complete, Uncensored, Heartbreaking, and Amazing Autobiography of Serach bat Asher, the Oldest Woman in the World; and Fragments of the Brooklyn Talmud. He lives in Oakland, California. For more information visit
Though live participation is highly recommended, the session will be recorded and sent to the registrants afterward.
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