Writing the Revelatory Poem
Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:00 PM - Tue Feb 15, 2022 1:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
Tuesdays, January 25, February 1, 8, 15 @ 12–1:30 p.m. EST
$144 for 4 sessions
The books of the Hebrew Bible were formed in poetry, expressing a full marriage of our hearts and minds. Books such as Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs and The Book of Ruth contain such stunning examples of language that they have remained with us for centuries. The poet can take a word and hold it up to the light; can blow air into it to hear its song; can crack it open; can meld music and emotion that lands directly in the heart and creates empathy and new thought. How can we write our own revelatory poems? Each week we will read selections of a different book from the Hebrew Bible as well as poems of modern, postmodern and contemporary poets such as T.S. Eliot, Adrienne Rich, Jorie Graham, Yusef Komunyakaa, Joy Ladin and others. These readings will be accompanied by writing prompts as we generate and write our own poems of revelation. Poets of all backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome.
All sessions will be recorded and sent to participants. We encourage live attendance for you to get the most out of the experience.
Rachel Neve-Midbar is a poet and essayist. Her first full-length poetry collection, Salaam of Birds was chosen by Dorothy Barresi for the Patricia Bibby First Book Prize and was published by Tebot Bach in January 2020. She is also the author of the 2014 chapbook, What the Light Reveals. Her work has appeared in many journals and anthologies. A current PhD candidate at the University of Southern California, Rachel is also editor of Stained: An Anthology of Writing about Menstruation for the AuntFlo2020 Project. More at rachelnevemidbar.com.
About Ritualwell
Ritualwell is the most extensive online resource that curates original Jewish rituals for Jews and fellow seekers. We publish rituals, ceremonies, prayers and poems to mark sacred moments in Jewish life. Through creating and sharing rituals, hosting Ritualwell Immersions (online learning experiences), curating an online Judaica shop and hosting Rabbi Connect, Ritualwell fosters a supportive environment for Jewish creativity, spiritual growth and discovery. Learn more at www.ritualwell.org.
Ritualwell is committed to offering an accessible space to our community members. We commit to:
- Providing participants with all the session materials ahead of time
- Providing automated captions on all live sessions
- Providing subtitles for all recorded sessions
- Using the chat function and read it aloud during the sessions
- Asking for participant accessibility needs and doing our best to accommodate them. Please feel welcome to contact us at ritualwell@reconstructingjudaism.org.