Symposium on fundamental biomedical research
Wed 5 Feb 2025 09:30 - 14:30 GMT
The Royal Irish Academy, D02 HH58
Symposium to highlight the importance of fundamental research and the success of Irish research in this area.
Organised by the Academy’s Life and Health Sciences Committee this event aims to demonstrate the need for increased funding for fundamental research in order to build national capacity and improve the career paths and prospects for biomedical researchers. The half-day conference will be structured around two panels: a research showcase and a careers panel.
The research showcase will feature four panellists speaking about diverse fundamental research projects. The panel aims to reflect on the funding infrastructures for biomedical research in Ireland, to highlight the translational potential of fundamental research, and to consider what more could be done to support the excellent work in this area.
For the second panel we will be facilitating a critical discussion around the challenges facing fundamental biomedical researchers at various career stages. This panel aims to reflect on what attracts researchers (back) to Ireland; what are the factors that may pull talent away from fundamental research; and what are some of the ways career development can be better supported in this country.
The event will be geared towards researchers, research funders and policy makers and aims to kickstart a conversation around the future of fundamental biomedical research in Ireland. A report from the symposium will be produced in order to continue to advocate for funding in this area.
Provisional Programme:
9:30-10:00 Registrations/Tea and coffee
10:00-10:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
10:30-12:00 Fundamental Biomedical Research Showcase - Chaired by Professor Orina Belton, UCD
- Professor Aedín Culhane, Professor of Cancer Genomics, University of Limerick School of Medicine
- Professor David Henshall, Professor of Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Professor Brendan Gilmore, Professor, School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast
- Professor Laoise McNamara, Established Professor in Biomedical Engineering, University of Galway
12:00-12:30 Lunch Break
12:30-14:00 Careers Panel - Chaired by Professor Áine Kelly, TCD
- Dr Eoin McNamee, Associate Professor and Group Leader of Mucosal Immunology Research (MIR) Lab, Maynooth University
- Dr Cathal McCarthy, Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator in Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University College Cork
- Professor Rachel McLoughlin, Professor in Immunology, Biochemistry, Trinity College Dublin
- Professor Peter Flatt, Professor of Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Ulster University
14:00-14:30 Closing Remarks
About the Speakers
Aedín Culhane
Aedín Culhane is Director of the Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre and is a full Professor in the University of Limerick School of Medicine. She has over two decades expertise in bioinformatics and computational oncology including over 15 years’ experience at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard University, where she developed algorithms for integrative data analysis of cancer bulk and single cell molecular data.
David Henshall
David obtained his PhD in neuropharmacology from the University of Edinburgh in 1997. He then spent six years in the USA, at the University of Pittsburgh and later at the Robert S. Dow neurobiology laboratories in Portland, Oregon. Since 2004, he has been at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences where he is Professor of Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience. David’s interests are the causes, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Since 2017, he has been director of the FutureNeuro research centre for translational brain science. He is the author of over 250 publications and the new book 'Fine-Tuning Life'.
Brendan Gilmore
Brendan Gilmore is Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Deputy Head of School in the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast, and is a UL Adjunct Professor in the School of Medicine, University of Limerick. His research team is focused on understanding the processes which govern bacterial biofilm formation and tolerance to antibiotics, and the discovery of novel antibiotics and disinfectant approaches. His recent work has included the application of cold plasmas for biofilm decontamination and the discovery of novel antibiotics and biocatalytic enzymes from extremely halophilic microorganisms.
Laoise McNamara
Laoise McNamara is an Established Professor of Engineering (Biomedical) and Head of School of Engineering at University of Galway. She leads the Mechanobiology and Medical Device Research group, who use experimental and computational approaches to study the role of mechanobiology in osteoporosis and cancer-bone metastasis. She also applies her expertise to the pre-clinical assessment of surgical and minimally invasive medical devices. She was awarded two ERC Awards, an Irish Research Council Laureate Award and received the Irish Research Council “Researcher of the Year” award. She has published over 100 research articles and is a reviewer for international research organisations.
Eóin McName
Dr Eóin McNamee is an Associate Professor and Research Group Leader at Maynooth University, Ireland. A graduate of Maynooth University and Trinity College Dublin, Eóin carried out postdoctoral training and later joined the faculty at the University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus, USA. He was recruited to Maynooth University in 2018 and received the SFI - President of Ireland Future Research Leaders fellowship in 2020. His laboratory focuses on Translational Immunology research and development, investigating mechanisms of human autoimmune diseases and pre-clinical drug discover.
Cathal McCarthy
Dr Cathal McCarthy is a Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator in Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, UCC. He undertook a PhD in DIT, investigating pathways modulating placental insufficiency in Pre-eclampsia and IUGR. Cathal’s postdoctoral studies in UCD focused on elucidating protective networks mediating regression of atherosclerosis. Cathal’s current research investigates the disruptive pathways causing pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus and the development of therapeutics to effectively treat these pregnancy complications.
Rachel McLoughlin
Rachel McLoughlin is Professor in Immunology at Trinity Biomedical Science Institute in Trinity College Dublin. Her research into host-pathogen interactions has made a significant international impact and has directly informed development of next-generation anti-S. aureus vaccines. Her research focuses on understanding the host immune response to Staphylococccus aureus exposure with a particular focus on adaptive cellular immunity.
Peter Flatt
Peter Flatt holds a DSc from Ulster University and BSc Hons and PhD from Aston University. He was a Research Fellow at the University of Uppsala, Sweden before taking up an academic appointment at Surrey University in 1980. He is currently Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Head of Diabetes Research Centre at Ulster University, a position that he has held since 1989. Peter has supervised 103 PhD students, with many becoming independent senior academics. His research on diabetes therapeutics has been recognised by several scientific accolades including election as Member of Royal Irish Academy.
If you have queries relating to this event, contact Fionnuala Parfrey by email:
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The Royal Irish Academy, D02 HH58