Soul Journeys - Meditations for Inner Transformation 24.1.25
Fri 24 Jan 2025 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM GMT
The Fold, WR6 5J
Guided meditations with Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist Leon Feasey
accompanied by Sound Therapist and Energy Healer Angie Latham .
These are 2 hour in depth sessions using sacred sounds and guided visualisation for heart connection, raising your vibrational frequency and expanding your Spiritual awareness with the help of your Angelic helpers and Spirit guides.
This session will be ideal for those who enjoy sound baths but wish to go a little deeper and take it to the next level. You can use the session for inner journey work and to gain insight, guidance and inspiration for your next steps forward on your journey.
The Carthouse Barn at The Fold is a safe and quiet room where you can relax and drop into a protected energetic space.
Each session will include:
* Guided relaxation to gently move you into a meditative state.
* Guided energy protection and balancing techniques.
* Guided Journeying to meet your Angelic / Spirit Guide or Higher Self with gentle sounds of Tibetan Bowls, Chimes and high vibrational tuned pipes.
* An opportunity to ask for insight , healing or creative inspiration from the higher realms which come with unconditional love and support.
* Grounding with Shamanic Drum and rattle
* Time at the end of the meditation session for journaling , any questions & answers about your Soul's path and expansion, or to share your thoughts and experiences if you wish to.
Each session will focus on a slightly different theme to help you explore your divine nature as an eternal Soul having a human experience on earth.
About our Spiritual Guides and Helpers:
We all have at least one Angelic guide who is with us through out our physical life to help and lovingly support us. They cannot usurp our free will however, so we have to ask for their help and guidance. In the asking it is given ♥
We can also have several spirit guides who may take the form of loving family members , ancestors , master teachers or even animal totems.
These meditations are designed to make it easier for you to make a connection with your personal guides and teachers and receive the help and healing you need in that moment within a safe and loving space. Everyone's journey and experience will be different and unique to them. The sounds and your guides will meet you where you are and help move you forward on your path to greater understanding and awareness.
The sessions are devised to be experienced as an ongoing monthly exploration but can also be experienced as stand alone meditations.
Everyone's experience is unique to them and varies depending on how they are feeling on the day. Those used to meditation will often find it easier to connect to their guides but it is more important to be open and to hold no expectation or judgements - allowing yourself to surrender and 'day dream' . We provide the guidance and sounds and hold the space for you to connect - the rest is up to you ! Some people are very visual , others audio or just have a feeling or a 'knowing' . There is no right or wrong way to experience these journeys.
Those new to meditation or journeying often feel they are just "making it all up" and this is perfectly natural - the reason being that it is through our imagination that the subconscious and higher self communicate with us through inner mind images and feelings. The logical , linear mind has trouble accepting this at first - but with practice you will notice there is a difference in frequency or feeling between just imagination and higher guidance.
Be open and patient and allow the process but most importantly surrender to whatever you experience without expectations and judgement !
Praise for Angie & Leon's work together:
"Thank you for a truly amazing experience today. We all three would love to engage further with you & learn more of our spirit guides. We all felt very safe & supported during the session."
"Incredibly interesting, very well structured, inclusive of everyone on the course, uncomplicated and thought provoking. Really enjoyed today and would definitely join another class as soon as possible. Leon and Angie were amazing"
"The workshop has given me greater insight in certain aspects of my current existence. Very inspiring. A lovely group - small and intimate, lovely room and excellent therapists"
Please bring with you :
A Yoga mat , air mattress or a garden recliner chair . Cushioning for your head (and under your knees if you wish) A warm blanket to wrap over you and an eye mask or scarf to cover your eyes during the Summer months. In winter months you may need extra padding underneath you. Please dress warmly in layers with good socks even in warm weather.
Also Bring a bottle of water and a notebook or journal to write down any messages/thoughts/experiences of your meditation journey.If you wish to bring any special crystals, totems or personal magical items please feel free!
These 2 hour sessions will be £22 (early bird booking £20) .
to include a sweet treat to ground you after your journey. The ticket price reflects two separate therapists working together and travel costs to the venue.
The Carthouse Barn at The Fold | Bransford, Worcester WR6 5JB. Between Malvern & Worcester.
(The Carthouse Barn is situated behind the main building/cafe area and to your left as you exit the main carpark)
7.00 - 9.00 pm (allow a bit of run over time)
Doors open 10 minutes before session starts (6.50pm) no late admissions after 7.00
Free parking onsite - follow parking signs. Please wait in your car until 6.50pm to allow set up time
Above - Carthouse sessions at The Fold
About Leon Feasey Dip Hyp, RTh,
Regression therapist / Life between Lives
I have studied extensively in spirit communication, Hypnosis, inner child healing and life between lives.
I trained professionally at the international Past Life Regression Academy
Its mission is to "teach ways of healing a client's soul. The techniques work on all energetic levels of the mind, body and soul and provide the integration and alignment of energies and full healing by going to the source issue".
In recent years, I have run my own groups for spiritual development and spirit communication, and teach spirit release. I have also run workshops for Inner journeying and Meditation, Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression.
I have a passion to help people on their journey, and I love to share this knowledge with people; I have found it healing and empowering in many ways.
In getting to know my clients, I feel honoured to be part of their journey of discovery and healing, it is very rewarding and I enjoy my work immensely.
Leon's Website - Innersight Therapies
More about Angie Latham - Therapist in Integral Sound Healing
I discovered the powerful healing and awakening effects of sound and vibration after being diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2015 and found that Gong Baths helped me quiet the busy mind and realign with my heart centre and my inner knowing.
I then trained to be a sound therapist myself and went on to train in Regression Hypnotherapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis (Dolores Canon method) where I help people to reclaim their authentic Soul power and the ability to co-create the life they wish to lead from a place of peace and joyfulness.
During sound meditations the high vibrational frequencies of the instruments help drop our brain waves down from the wide awake, analytical Beta state into the more intuitive and creative brain waves of Alpha and Theta. This allows us to collapse time and space and expand our awareness into the Universal energies around us. We let go of the human 'ego mind' and connect with our heart centre and multidimensional Soul.
With the gentle guidance of Leon's voice along with the sounds of the gong, bowls and harmonic chimes, we can lead you into a beautiful soundscape of loving connection to your higher self and your Angelic support.
Angie's Website - Sacred Earth Sound Therapy
Please note due to the vibrations of the instruments these sound baths are not suitable for ladies in the first trimester of pregnancy , people with acute / severe mental health problems or history of psychosis, people with pacemakers or untreated heart conditions and those with epilepsy. If in doubt please ask before booking.
Cancellations/ Illness :
We regret that due to cost of doing these sessions and limited spaces available we do not give refunds on tickets unless we can re-sell your space , we also can't offer a transfer to another date . You are welcome to pass/sell on your ticket to another person if you notify us of the change in name for insurance purposes. Please contact Angie in these circumstances. If you have any symptoms of CV-19 or any other infectious illness please do not attend for the safety of others.
Bad Weather Policy :
We regret that due to high costs transfers or refunds can only be issued if we cancel an event. It is down to personal choice and individual circumstances to decide if you wish to stay home or attend a session during bad weather or floods.
Interested in going even deeper and exploring your past lives and even what you do as a Soul in between lives?
You may be interested in our Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives full day workshops .Please email your interest to Angie on
For more information please click the link below - we would love to welcome you .
The Fold, WR6 5J