Allie McCathren Workshop
Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM PDT
Waldorf High School, 94127
Improv Self Portrait Workshop with Allie McCathren
In this workshop, Allie will teach how to break down an image into a gradient. This workshop covers techniques of using fabric in color families, how to arrange and use a fabric gradient, and how to break down complex shapes into simple lines to make an image into a quilt. Each participant will begin with an image of their choice (it may be a self portrait or an image of something else entirely), and Allie will work with them to translate it into fabric.
This is a fun, skill building workshop. It helps participants to have some experience with foundation paper piecing, but it is not required.
Required Equipment: One sewing machine for each student. Cutting mats and ironing stations for everyone to use and share. Design wall space for every student to use, and an abundance of straight pins. A design wall or freestanding board of 20″ x 20″ is large enough for this class.
*Before the workshop, students will need to communicate with Allie about photos they are using. Allie will prepare the photo references and bring them to class.
Member class fee is $85.
Non-member sign-up open September 20. Non-member class fee is $95.
This workshop is a 5 hours in-person event at Waldorf High School (corner of West Portal & Sloat), with a 1 hour lunch break.v
Waldorf High School
470 West Portal Avenue @ Sloat
San Francisco, CA 94127
Workshops are open to all Guild members on a ‘first-come’ basis. One must register with payment to confirm participation. Workshops are publicized to Guild members first, and members have the benefit of several months of promotion to register before any non-Guild members may register. Two months prior to the Workshop, the Workshop will be offered to the public, at a non-Guild member rate. For the Guild to host professional instructors we need to cover instructor costs and therefore once an individual is registered there are no cancellations/refunds. Members may “transfer” their registration to another member; the Guild and its workshop chairs will not be responsible for this exchange and all arrangements and funds will be exchanged between the individual guild members. Once a member has found someone to exchange with, they are responsible for notifying the Guild chairs so that the appropriate attendee will be notified of all class information.
Waitlists: Once a Workshop is full, the Guild will keep a Waitlist. Please contact the Workshop co-chairs at directly at to be placed on the Waitlist. If an enrolled member is unable to find a replacement, they may contact the co-chairs, to learn of any members on a Waitlist.
Waldorf High School, 94127