Barbie followed by No Hard Feelings - 9:30p
Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:30 PM - 11:45 PM EDT
Sauerbeck Family Drive In, 40031
Barbie (PG-13)
Followed by
No Hard Feelings (R)
Gates open at 8:30p
Barbie starts at 9:30p
No Hard Feelings starts at 11:30p
Please be respectful to other guests by not disrupting the show by arriving late or leaving early.
Sound is provided by FM radio only - bring a portable radio or be sure you can operate your car stereo with your headlights and taillights off. We do have FM radios for rent in the concession stand. You can now reserve a radio with your online tickets! ($6 rental with $75 deposit)
By purchasing a ticket you agree to follow all rules. Violators will be asked to leave without refund.
Concession Menu is available to be ordered online or in the lobby.
If you would like to bring your own snacks and drinks, please purchase a Food Permit with your ticket. We rely on concession sales to stay in business!
Visit to purchase concessions.
Tickets are for a specific night and non-refundable.
We do show movies in the rain, so please plan accordingly if that may affect your ability to enjoy the show.
DON'T GET LOST! - for map and directions visit:
Sauerbeck Family Drive In, 40031