Scottish Fin and Foil Training Camps
Mon 5 Aug 2024 9:00 AM - Thu 8 Aug 2024 5:00 PM
Harbour Office West Pier, Stranraer, DG9 7RE
Scottish Fin & Foil bring you an exclusive offer in the lead up to the main event!
Windsurfing Training Camp
We have linked up with our friends over at Techno293 UK and the UK iQFoil Class to bring you this amazing offer of some bespoke two days pre event training. You would be mad to miss it.
iQ Foil
We are delighted to announce that the training will be delivered on Loch Ryan. Heading up the iQ Training from the iQ Class will be the World famous coach Ali Masters. He will aslo be supporting the IQs for the event - More coaches TBC....soon!
We are also super stoked to invite James Hardy from the Techno293UK Class who will be working with the legendary RYA Scotland coach Sam Hawthorn.
Wing Foil Training Camp
We are delighted to announce that the UK Wing Coach James Hardy has agreed to run a wingfoil training camp on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th August.
The wingfoil coaching is a great opportunity to improve your skills and prepare for the races at the weekend. Improve your gybes, tacks, learn some race tactics and tips on getting around the course faster.
Coaching is expected to be for 4 hours per day with a maximum of 8 participants. The coaching content will be tailored to the conditions and needs of the group.
The minimum level is for participants to be comfortably foiling on all points of sail and being able to do basic foiling gybes.
Fun, friendship and lots of skills development, what better way to kickstart your week in Stranraer at the Scottish Fin&Foil Event.
Still not sure whats best or even just want to ask a question then reach out to us -
Harbour Office West Pier, Stranraer, DG9 7RE