Timed Trial - Uphall - 16th June 2024 - MsUK Permit 136550
Sun 16 Jun 2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM BST
Uphall, EH52 5NT
Suitable for ALRC CCV & Comp Safari Land Rovers Only
Open to SLROC & ALRC Members with at least a Motorsport UK RS Clubman License.
£37.50 per competitor.
Arrive on site from 8:30am. Scrutineering closes at 9:30am. The competition starts at 10:00am.
All drivers and passengers (if applicable) will require a helmet, long sleeve tops, long trousers and goggles.
16th June 2024
The following information is to be read in conjunction with the Members Handbook, issued by the Club to every Member.
The Scottish Land Rover Owners Club Ltd, hereafter referred to as the Club, has organised a Clubmans Cross-country
Timed Trial, run under a Clubman Permit to be held at Uphall, on 16th June 2024 under the General
Regulations of the RAC Motor Sports Association Ltd. (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code
of the F.I.A.) and the Supplementary Regulations.
Clubman Permit No.: 134794
The event is open to current Club Members and any member of a club affiliated to the A.L.R.C., and all competitors
must hold a current RS Clubman Driving Licence or higher and a current valid RTA Licence.
The event is part of the annual Club Championship.
Scrutineering will start at: 0830 Hrs.
The event will start at: 1000 Hrs.
Timed Trials:- There will be either 3 laps of 4 sections or 4 laps of 3 sections depending on available land, and the
running order, will be announced at a drivers’ meeting before the event commences. All drivers must complete one lap
in the order their name appears on the score sheet. The first driver on the first section will become the last driver on the
second section. The second driver on the first section becomes the first driver on the second section. The first driver on
the second section becomes the last driver on the third section and so on. The event will be run according to the rules
and guidelines laid out in the “Blue Book” and the ALRC Handbook.
The Event is entirely off the public highway.
All competing vehicles have to conform to the regulations appropriate to the Event as detailed in the Members
Handbook, and all competitors and spectators have to conform to the conduct regulations therein. Commercial Type
Vehicles, such as vans & Pick-ups are acceptable. Vehicles need not be Road Taxed
There will be no T.V. coverage or tobacco advertising.
There will be no cash prizes. Club Championship trophies are awarded i.a.w the SLROC Standing Supplementary
The maximum number of entries is 40, minimum 6.
Entries will be accepted on the day once the vehicle has passed scrutineering.
The entry fee for the Timed Trial is £37.50 per competitor, which is non-refundable.
Competitors must “sign on” using the club event page and ensure any passengers are signed on following instructions
given at that page. Club membership cards, driving licences, competition licences, MOT certificates and Tax Discs will
be checked as appropriate for the Event.
All potential competitors should check the Club Website and Facebook Group Page prior to the event in case of venue
change or cancellation. If the Event has to be cancelled at the venue, Members will be told how to find out about the
new arrangements.
The following Club Officials will run the Event:-
Secretary: SLROC Comp Sec
Clerk of the Course: SLROC Timed Trial Convenor
Safeguarding Officer: SLROC President
Stewards: TBC on day
Chief Scrutineer: Jonny Campbell
Chief Timekeeper: TBC on day
Results will be read out at the end of the Event, and published in the next Club Magazine.
All Competitors should make themselves familiar with the Regulations concerning Protests. (Chapter “C”, MS UK Blue
Other Requirements/Information/GDPR Policy Reference
Only one Passenger aged 16 or over may be carried on a vehicle during Observed Sections. However, this may reduce
to 14, providing the vehicle is fitted with seat belts and either a manufacturer’s hard top, a truck cab, or a rollbar, or
where the vehicle is a road legal, mass produced, production vehicle retaining the original hardtop or truck cab and
which has a three point seat belt.
If a vehicle experiences mechanical difficulty the other drivers may continue and the driver can slot in when/if the vehicle
has been repaired.
Competitors who suffer a breakdown, such that their vehicle cannot continue, must retire from the competition, i.e.
accept a maximum time for laps not completed. They cannot continue in another vehicle. Driver must inform the COC
of their retiral.
A Master scoresheet will be used at finish control instead of cards held by drivers.
Vehicles must be fitted with a substantial towing point front and rear, it need not be painted in a contrasting colour.
Minimum of 4 point harness to be worn by all occupants whilst on the section. Lap or 3 point diagonal Seat Belts are
not acceptable.
Each section will have 12 gates. The sections will each be no longer than 320 metres. The stop box is 1 gate.
For each gate hit a 10 second penalty up to the maximum of 90 seconds will be awarded.
If you miss a gate you are permitted to attempt the gate again. If you do not attempt the gate and finish your lap you will
achieve the maximum available score.
The vehicle cannot be over the start line but can be behind the start line for up to one vehicle length.
The clock is stopped when the front hub passes the first set of canes of the stop box. The vehicle must come to a
complete halt. Failing to come to a complete halt will achieve maximum available score.
All times will be recorded in seconds.
Drivers must not approach the score marshal until lunch break, unless the score marshal states otherwise.
Scores will be written in black ink, cane penalties will be recorded in green ink and maximum scores will be written red
Signed: Dave Tomlin
Competition Secretary.
Uphall, EH52 5NT