Club Comp Safari - Location TBC - 13th October 2024
Sun 13 Oct 2024 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM BST
Suitable for ALRC CCV & Comp Safari Land Rovers Only
Open to SLROC & ALRC Members with at least a Motorsport UK RS Clubman License.
£57.50 per competitor.
Arrive on site from 8:30am. Scrutineering closes at 9:30am. The competition starts at 10:00am.
All drivers and passengers (if applicable) will require a helmet and FHR device. Long sleeve tops & goggles.
Please note - any postcode or map is an approximate location - exact details will be emailed to all signed on competitors, officials & marshals.
The following information is to be read in conjunction with the ALRC Members Handbook (often referred to as the Green Book), available on-line ( or hard copy by request to the Club Secretary or the Event Convenors
The Scottish Land Rover Owners Club Ltd, hereafter referred to as the Club, has organised a Clubmans Cross-country Club Competitive Safari, run under a Clubman Permit to be held at the venue above, on the above date under the General Regulations of the RAC Motor Sports Association Ltd. (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the F.I.A.) and the Supplementary Regulations.
Clubman Permit No.: T.B.A.
The event is open to current Club Members and any member of a club affiliated to the A.L.R.C., and all competitors must hold a current RS Clubman Driving Licence or higher and a current valid RTA Licence. Double entries (two drivers in one car) are permitted however they will be treated as two drivers i.e both drivers have to complete 10 laps in the same car.
The event is part of the annual Club Championship.
Scrutineering will start at: 08.30 Hrs.
The event will start at: 10.00 Hrs.
Competitive Safari: Each driver must complete 10 laps of the course which will be no less than 1 mile long. Maximum lap time, course finishing time and running order for the first lap will be announced at a drivers’ meeting before the event commences. The event will be run according to the rules and guidelines laid out in the “Blue Book” and the ALRC Handbook.
The Event is entirely off the public highway.
All competing vehicles have to conform to the regulations appropriate to the Event as detailed in the Members Handbook, and all competitors and spectators have to conform to the conduct regulations therein. Commercial Type Vehicles, such as vans & Pick-ups are acceptable. Vehicles need not be Road Taxed
There will be no T.V. coverage or tobacco advertising.
There will be no cash prizes. Club Championship trophies are awarded i.a.w the SLROC Standing Supplementary Regulations.
The maximum number of entries is 40, minimum 6.
Entries will be accepted on the day once the vehicle has passed scrutineering.
The entry fee for the Club Competitive Safari is £42.50 per competitor, which is non-refundable. There may be a supplement to cover the medical costs split evenly between entrants.
Competitors must “sign on” using the club event page and ensure any passengers are signed on following instructions given at that page. Club membership cards, driving licences, competition licences, MOT certificates will be checked as appropriate for the Event.
All potential competitors should check the Club Website and Facebook Group Page prior to the event in case of venue change or cancellation. If the Event has to be cancelled at the venue, Members will be told how to find out about the new arrangements.The following Club Officials will run the Event:-
Secretary: SLROC Comp Sec
Clerk of the Course: SLROC Comp Safari Convenor
Safeguarding Officer: SLROC President
Stewards: TBC on day
Chief Scrutineer: TBC on day
Chief Timekeeper: TBC on day
Results will be read out at the end of the Event, and published in the next Club Magazine.
All Competitors should make themselves familiar with the Regulations concerning Protests. (Chapter “C”, MS UK Blue Book).
Other Requirements/Information/GDPR Policy Reference
Only one Passenger aged 16 or over may be carried on a vehicle during Observed Sections. Drivers in comp safaris may passenger any other driver during the competition after the first lap.
Vehicles must be fitted with a substantial towing point front and rear, it need not be painted in a contrasting colour.
Competitors who suffer a breakdown, such that their vehicle cannot continue, must retire from the competition, i.e. accept a maximum time for laps not completed. They cannot continue in another vehicle. Driver must inform the COC of their retiral.
A Master scoresheet will be used at finish control instead of cards held by drivers.
The Marshal will give a loud verbal indication of 30 seconds to go, and then count down verbally each second 5-4-3-2-1-GO. Upon the signal GO, a visual starting signal must be given, which will normally be the raising of a flag from the bonnet (not the windscreen).
Live recovery is permitted depending on the course and will be advised at the competitors briefing prior to the event, it is at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course and may be carried out by other competitors or officials. The maximum time allowed to Competitors for self recovery, after which they must take Official recovery is the course maximum time. Live Recovery may also be operated by Specialist Recovery Vehicles (SRVs) at the event, to be advised in the competitors briefing, and will incur a course maximum.
Each driver must complete 1 full drive round lap in convoy before the competitive event commences, led and closed by an event official.
There will be a minimum 1 minute interval between cars leaving the start line.
The Organisers may hold Competitors en route in the event of the course becoming blocked. In such instances the competitor will be given the opportunity for a rerun. The Competitors will be signalled to stop with a red flag.
Any competitor failing to complete a lap or taking in excess of the maximum time to complete a lap shall be given a “maximum” as their score for the lap.
Any competitor not attempting or failing to start a lap before the event finish time shall be given a maximum for each such lap.
Timing will be done by stopwatches.
Vehicles do not need to carry a spare wheel.
All terrain, mud terrain, extreme terrain tyres are permitted. Extreme terrain examples are Insa Turbo Special Track or Diamond pattern tyres. Dumper/tractor tyres or similar V type tread patterns are not permitted.
All cars are to be ALRC compliant and will be in the same class.
Each competing vehicle must be equipped with a suitable nylon recovery rope.
Signed: Dave Tomlin
Competition Secretary.