Monetizing Motherhood
Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Get Paid to Write
How do you write about motherhood and get paid for it? How do you know what's "fair game"? Where do you even find a gig in the first place? How do you promote yourself and prove you're qualified when the imposter syndrome is so loud? And when do you find the time?! Journalist Laura Wheatman Hill asked herself the same questions. During the pandemic in 2020, she pivoted from life as a married, stay-at-home mom to working as an independent journalist, supporting herself and her children with her writing. She did it with advice from other women, and she's eager to help others find work as a paid writer while mothering.
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Meet the Presenter
Laura Wheatman Hill (she/her) lives in Oregon with her two children. She has a Masters of Arts in teaching and has taught English, writing, and drama to students of all ages. She has been published by Slate, CNN, Real Simple, Parents, and others. You can find her at, on the platform formerly known as Twitter @Lwheatma, and on Instagram @LauraWheatmanHill.
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