OLDBURY Community Network Meetings - Engage, connect and discover new partnerships
Multiple dates and times
Engage, connect, and discover new partnerships through our Community Network Meetings
Community Network Meetings are a great opportunity for professionals across all sectors, working with babies, children and young people in Sandwell to come together on a locality basis and get to know each other, network and assist in making working together easier.
Come along and:
- hear about Sandwell's NEW Practice STaR Model (October Meeting)
- get to know more about any new and exciting programmes/activities for Children and Young People
- connect, network and link in with other local partners!
All meetings will take place at Christchurch C of E Primary School, Albert Street, Oldbury B69 4DE.
If you would like to join us at one or more of our Oldbury Community Network Meetings, please book your place(s) by selecting the date(s) you'd like to join us on - please note: Booking is ESSENTIAL DUE TO LIMITED PLACES AND ALL MEETINGS ARE FACE TO FACE ONLY.
For further information, please email angel@scvo.info