ROWLEY Community Network Meetings - Engage, connect and discover new partnerships
Multiple dates and times
Engage, connect, and discover new partnerships through our Community Network Meetings
Community Network Meetings are a great opportunity for professionals across all sectors, working with babies, children and young people in Sandwell to come together on a locality basis and get to know each other, network and assist in making working together easier.
Come along and:
- hear about Sandwell's NEW Practice STaR Model (October Meeting)
- get to know more about any new and exciting programmes/activities for Children and Young People
- connect, network and link in with other local partners!
All meetings will take place at Cradley Heath Community Centre, Reddal Hill Road, Cradley Heath B64 5JG .
If you would like to join us at one or more of our Rowley Community Network Meetings, please book your place(s) by selecting the date(s) you'd like to join us on - please note: Booking is ESSENTIAL DUE TO LIMITED PLACES AND ALL MEETINGS ARE FACE TO FACE ONLY.
For further information, please email