A Journey into the Kalevala with Andreas Kornevall
Tue Mar 4, 2025 3:00 PM - Tue Mar 18, 2025 4:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
The Kalevala, born from an animist and oral tradition of Finland, is one of the great treasures of world mythology and culture It was compiled in the 19th century by Elias Lönnrot, weaving together songs and spells passed down through the generations. As it is rooted in the animistic worldview of pre-Christian Europe, the Kalevala speaks of creation, transformation, and the seen and unseen realms across the veils. Its characters are singers, smiths, and seekers.
Join me for a two day creative process working with this ancient Epic of the Kalevala. We will look to the elemental life force that carries songs of power, songs that can build ships and undo spells, and enter a world where a blacksmith even forms the dome of heaven from his anvil.
Our aim is to weave a relationship with material that has been hidden and unstirred for ages.
The traditional Kantele lyre and the Poetic Metre will guide us to wonderment and excitement as we weave together a larger body of work with Northern magical tales.
Unravel ancient wisdom. Apply it to your life. Begin your transformation today.
The webinar will take place on
- March 4th, 3pm NYC / 8pm UK
- March 18th 3pm NYC / 7pm UK (due to Summertime shift in the US)
A recording will be available for all ticket holders for 30 days.
About Andreas
Andreas Kornevall is an author, storyteller and ecological activist. He grew up in South America, Sweden and Switzerland, and now directs the Earth Restoration Service charity. In response to the sixth mass extinction, he was the catalyst behind the Life Cairn movement: memorials for species rendered extinct at human hands. As a storyteller, he works with old myths and fairytales which shine a torchlight on life’s journey; his stories tend to gravitate around the Norse material which have led him to lecture and perform in universities and other educational centres. He is also a prize-winning author, whose work has been published in magazines such as Resurgence, The Ecologist, Permaculture magazine and in the Dark Mountain series. He is a member of the 'Forn Sed' (Old Customs Association) in Sweden which works closely with ancient Norse culture, traditions and spirituality, unearthing old legends, forgotten folklore and endangered Norse languages. His latest book "Waking the Dragons" is out through Green Magic Publishing.
Through his charity he has planted over 200 woodlands in the United Kingdom and he has recently been voted by the University of Southern California as one of their 100 spiritual exemplars.
"Andreas Kornevall offers a powerful immersive experience of travelling into Norse mythology and Runic divination, food for both soul and intellect. Understanding Runic script as mythic symbols opens a door into the archetypes that inform all human existence, and Andreas' deep knowledge and love for his subject is truly inspirational."
Professor Angela Voss, Christ Church University