In Search Of a New Story with Dr. Thieu Besselink and Itzhak Beery
Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
We are living a story that no longer serves us. And it is our stories that make our societies. Underneath every symptom of social or ecological degradation, depression, and conflict, there is a story about who we are. That story feels less and less like home.
Often we have the sense as if something is dying, but that what is emerging in its place is still indistinct. Looking from a holistic perspective of indigenous wisdom, we can see many threads already, however, pieces of a new narrative that give rise to different ways of producing our food, of education, enterprise, and virtually every aspect of our lives. They may provide us with a sense of what awaits us if we choose so. Because this is an age of fundamental choices, about what stories we want to be a part of, and what role we want to play.
Join our conversation about the stories we live and how we can inhabit this moment and the emerging future of which we will make sense together in this session. Bring your intentions and experiences to our session.
There will be time for a guided shamanic journey and reflections that allow for the insights from the session to be anchored.
Dr. Thieu Besselink (Amsterdam) - Founder of The Learning Lab. A place of inquiry and creation in a collective effort to understand and form ourselves and the not yet sustainable world around us, to contribute to it with audacity and respect, and to grow in what makes us human – our creative capacity for meaningful action. Recipient of the Leonardo Award EU.
Itzhak Beery (New York)- Leading international shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and bestseller author of three books. Publisher of Shaman Portal. Founder of The Andes Summit, Co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle. Recipient of the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.