Faith in a Time of Fear - With Michael Stone and Itzhak Beery
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Learn to embrace uncertainty and explore the shamanic and mystics’ perspective on Faith
The main ingredient that we are missing is Faith. A firm conviction by direct experiences and evidence. It is the confidence you develop with the world around you as you become one with it.
Itzhak Beery
To cultivate faith, the trust in our inner knowing without evidence, we must first transcend the myth of separation and recognize our interconnection with all of life.
Michael Stone
Join us as we learn to embrace uncertainty and explore the shamanic and mystics’ perspective on Faith. For thousands of years, organized religion has used the idea of faith to control, manipulate, and subjugate the masses. Faith has been used to justify the lies and hypocrisy of self-serving religious leaders in positions of power. But, to the mystics, shamans and wisdom keepers Faith is the affirmation of a creator that permeates all life and connects us to the Divine Mystery.
* Discover the role of humility in cultivating faith
* How does embracing uncertainty help us to develop faith
* What does faith have to do surrender and letting go
* How can shifting our attention from form to space awaken faith
* Why is questioning the myth of separation paramount in discovering faith
Zoom - Saturday, September 26 9am -12 Pacific; 12 – 3pm EST; 5pm-8pm London. The session will be recorded and the recording will be available for 14 days.
About Itzhak and Michael
Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestseller books. Born in an Israeli Kibbutz, he had a fine art career and was the owner of an award-winning boutique Ad agency in New York City. A midlife crisis led to his transformation from a skeptical atheist and business executive into a passionate believer, aligned with his life purpose. Since 1995, Itzhak bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous and Western teachers entrusted in him. He was initiated into the "Circle of 24 Yachaks of Imbabura" by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and by Amazonian Kanamari Pajè in Brazil. Itzhak is the founder of, The Andes Summit, and co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle. He is on major global spiritual centers faculties. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.
Michael Stone is a spiritual author, mentor, shamanic practitioner, radio host, producer, and trauma integration facilitator who co-creates individual and group environments and experiences that support people in transcending the myth of separation, and experiencing deep and profound interconnection with others and all of life. He has been teaching and leading experiential events, classes, teleseminars, and workshops on Organizational Development, Embodied Shamanism, Moving Meditation, Personal Growth and Spiritual Fulfillment for over 40 years.