On Death, Grieving and Psychopomp
Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
During this two-hour live experiential webinar with shamanic healer Jana Din, Pediatric Intensivist and Palliative Care Consultant David M. Steinhorn, MD, and shamanic teacher Itzhak Beery, we will explore the Shamanic perspective on death and dying. How can we support the process of dying and the families who stay behind, how we deal with grief, and how we can guide the transitioning souls into where they need to go next.
This work can support shamanic practitioners, mental health workers, psychologists, nurses, hospice workers, etc. We will share our experiences and provide some guided experiential exercises.
The webinar will start at 3pm New York, 7pm UK, 8pm CEST. A recording will be available to all ticket holders for 14 days.
About David, Jana and Itzhak
Jana Din is co-founder and director of the Tao Center for Healing in Sacramento, CA, and a shamanic healer since 2000, teacher and national speaker. Since 2013, she has provided over 100 volunteer healing services for critically ill children, Shamans in the ICU, their families, and the clinicians who care for them, in an extensive collaboration across the country with David M. Steinhorn, M.D. See their website for more information about the alchemy between Western medicine and shamanism. https://www.healingjourneys.life/
David M. Steinhorn, M.D., is a nationally known specialist in pediatric critical care, palliative care and hospice medicine. In 2019, he was honored by the American Academy of Pediatrics with the “Pioneer in Integrative Medicine Award.” Dr. Steinhorn has additional training in energy medicine, yoga, meditation, and shamanism, studying with teachers from the Four Winds Society, and Dr. Carl Greer.
Itzhak Beery is an internationally recognized shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestseller books. Itzhak is the founder of ShamanPortal.org, The Andes Summit, and co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle. Itzhak received the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.