Face the Trickster God: Become boundary-crossers, norms breakers, Promethean rebels
Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
You may know the archetypal energy of the trickster god. It is found virtually in every culture on the planet. Still, we hardly ever dare to embrace his un-conventional and formidable skills, fearful that "reality" as we knew it might be irreversibly lost.
Now more than ever, we–individually and as a society–must let go of everything we thought we knew. Let go of past society patterns, education, restrictions, and models that create this vicious dying cycle. Our human calling and obligation are to break free and reimagine our own future and a different life on earth.
It is tricksters that must bravely shape this new world. It is possible. However, where do we get the courage, freedom, skills, and power to dream and manifest it?
Join us on this thought-provoking webinar to learn tools to cut the old shackles and break open your head.
The webinar will start at 3pm NYC, 8pm UK, 9pm CEST. A recording will be available to all ticket holders for 14 days.
Dr. Thieu Besselink (Amsterdam) - Founder of The Learning Lab. A place of inquiry and creation in a collective effort to understand and form ourselves and the not yet sustainable world around us, to contribute to it with audacity and respect, and to grow in what makes us human – our creative capacity for meaningful action. Recipient of the Leonardo Award EU. www.thelearninglab.nl
Itzhak Beery (New York)- Leading international shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and bestseller author of three books. Publisher of Shaman Portal. Founder of The Andes Summit, Co-founder of the NY Shamanic Circle. Recipient of the 'Ambassador for Peace Award' from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN. www.itzhakbeery.com