Free - ShamanPortal Thanksgiving Celebration
Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
Moving prayers, chants, blessings, sound healing, music, and sacred teaching. Our global faculty of shamans and medicine people wish to give their gratitude to you and our community.
Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021
2 pm Ecuador/Peru; 3 pm EDT; 8 pm UK; 10 pm Israel
Join Shaman Portal’s free event as we wish to give back to our global community for your generous support. Since our online program began, we have presented over 50 webinars attended by over a thousand wisdom seekers worldwide. We are proud to share much of the proceeds with our diverse presenters who struggle with the pandemic’s hardships.
Claim your free ticket. Meet some of the esteemed teachers who personally wish to express their gratitude to you.
The event will be held on Zoom and will be recorded.
Donations to the shamans will be appreciated and will be shared equally.
Participants (List is forming):
- Mallku Kondor- Peru
- Taita Don Jacho Castelo – Kichwa - Ecuador
- Maria Juana & Raul Yambrela- Kichwa - Ecuador
- Taita Don Jose Joaquin Pineda and Washington - Kichwa - Ecuador
- Taita Don Shairy Quimbo - Kichwa - Ecuador
- Atarangi Muru – Maori – New Zealand
- Mama Susana Tapia Leon – Ecuador
- Taita Don Manuel Calazacon –Taschila - Ecuador
- Supay Pishku Gualinga – Sarayako- Ecuador
- Christa Mackinnon - United Kingdom