Condor Medicine tools to stimulate your life with Taita Don Shairy-Jose Quimbo Pechimba
Tue Nov 16, 2021 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST
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Condor Medicine tools to stimulate your life with Taita Don Shairy-Jose Quimbo Pechimba
Based on his new book ‘Seven Feathers of the Condor.’
We are proud to present one of the emissaries of the ancient Ecuadorian Kichwa tradition Taita Don Shairy, one of the renowned teachers at The annual Andes Summits in Ecuador.
The Condor emanates cosmic fluids for living beings on Mother Earth. It is a cosmic energy channel of divine totality and is the messenger of heaven. Its high flight and gliding capacity allow it to be high up in the air for a long time. The Men and Women connected with the Condor are Spiritual Leaders, Shamans who receive the right of this emanation from children, guided by masters with a specific spiritual identity of their culture. They travel to places where adult white-feathered condors live, sacred beings who offer their energy and expertise (Condor Mallku) to those who meet them. Then the Man-Condor Symbiosis of Condor Kauki occurs. The Condor wisdom stimulates and relieves human beings who wander an uncertain and intense time like the one we live in now.
A recording will be available to all ticket holders for 14 days.
Taita Don Shairy is a Kichwa from Peguché. On a pilgrimage to the sacred mountain of “Tayta Imbabura,” it was revealed to him that his life mission was to help humanity in the process of healing afflictions and dis-harmonies of today. He utilizes Takysamy Healing, the sound vibrations healing system of voice, sacred musical instruments, and plant medicine. The author and teacher of Condor Medicine: The Seven Teachings of the Andes Condor, a powerful guide created by observing condor parents teaching their young to fly. Shairy fashioned the Condor’s teaching into an essential guide to supporting the life and growth of youth. He shares all this wisdom in ceremonies, healing concerts, personal consultations, and workshops throughout the US and Europe. He is the instructor of Shungynijuy - Wisdom of the Heart