The Eagle & Plant Medicine with Supay Pishku - The wisdom teaching of the Kichwa Jungle’s Amazonian tradition
Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
To the Amazonian cultures all animals, created by the great mystery, are the embodiments of deep wisdom, and life teachings for us humans. Animals are considered as just different people and equal to humans. Using deep observation we can see that they gift us the medicine we need to navigate wisely the paths of life. A few animals thou, are most central to this remarkable culture and the shaman's work. The mystic Eagle/Condor, the largest of all birds, that fly the highest in the skies has special teachings, achieved through the use of plant wisdom. Shamans learn to invoke their medicine powers through their Icaros (soul songs) and prayers when they perform healings.
Join us on this webinar, and learn from a true native shaman, Don Supay Pishku about those powerful jungle archetypes so you could enrich your shamanic knowledge, soul, and for your healing. A recording will be available for all ticket holders for 14 days.
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Don Supay Pishku (Jose Juan Gualinga) is initiated into the Amazonian Kichwa wisdom path by his living legend grandfather Don Sabino Gualinga (100 years old). He is also part Shuar by his mother's side. For many years, his exceptional family is dedicated to leading the indigenous Amazonian human rights struggle and the resistance to the oil companies' exploitation of the Amazon. Growing up on the Sarayaku River (The corn river) deep in the Amazon, Supay (37) intimately knows the jungle’s ways. He is an expert in plant medicine, hunting, ancestral legends, and traditional dances, stories of his tribes.