Shamanic Divination: Candle flame, Egg, and Stone Readings with Itzhak Beery
Tue May 3, 2022 6:00 PM - Tue May 10, 2022 7:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Every healing system needs accurate methods to diagnose illness or imbalance. Shamans and healers have been trained to observe their patients’ physical, emotional, and energy bodies to decide the best way to bring healing. In this intensive workshop, we will focus on mastering some of shamanism’s diagnostic techniques and develop our trust in our intuition mastery.
This workshop will include learning how to read the flames of candles, read an egg as it floats in a glass of water, use the two sides of stones for divination, and more. We will leave this workshop ready to begin using these ancient tools and techniques on ourselves, our family and friends, or, for those in a healing profession, with our clients.
The webinar will start at 6pm NYC (11pm UK) on May 3rd and May 10th. A recording of the webinar will be available to all ticket holders until end of June.
About Itzhak
Itzhak Beery ( is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestsellers books. He received 'Ambassador for Peace Award’ from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN.
Since 1995, he bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times.
Itzhak apprenticed with Taita Don José Joaquin Pineda a well-known fifth-generation Ecuadorian Quechua Yachak (shaman) from the village of Iluman, who initiated him into the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura. He was also initiated by Shoré, an Amazonian Kanamari Pajè (shaman) on the banks of the Rio Negro. Itzhak studied and assisted for 12 years with Ipupiara Makunaiman (Dr. Bernardo Peixoto). Additionally, Itzhak studied with elders and shamans in North and South America, Greenland, Siberia, and of his contemporary teachers are Michael Harner, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Tom Cowan.