The Shamanic Art of Space Clearing with Itzhak Beery
Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Our human interactions often leaves an energetic imprint on places. Have you ever entered a room in which there was a fierce argument shortly before. Even if the room is empty know, you can still feel the aggression lingering. War, crimes, negative emotions emit a denser, slower energy. The energy can even become stagnant in a room. For your own wellbeing it is therefore important to make sure that you energetically cleanse and balance your environment – be it your living space, your office, your treatment room or ceremonial space. In this webinar, Itzhak Beery will share with you time honoured Shamanic tools and techniques that can be used to rejuvenate your surroundings and help you live an work in a nurturing energy field.
The webinar will start at 6pm EST (11pm UK). The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available for 30 days to all ticket holders.
About Itzhak
Itzhak Beery ( is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestsellers books. Since1995, he bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times. Itzhak apprenticed with Taita Don José Joaquin Pineda a well-known fifth-generation Ecuadorian Quechua Yachak (shaman) from the village of Iluman, who initiated him into the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura. He was also initiated by Shoré, an Amazonian Kanamari Pajè (shaman) on the banks of the Rio Negro. Itzhak studied and assisted for 12 years with Ipupiara Makunaiman (Dr. Bernardo Peixoto). Additionally, Itzhak studied with elders and shamans in North and South America, Greenland, Siberia, and Africa. Some of his contemporary teachers are Michael Harner, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Tom Cowan.