The Art of Dream Tracking with John Lockley
Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:00 PM - Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
Learn to understand your dreams to navigate your life. The ancients believed that our dreams contain the seed of our potential and the gateway to Spirit. Our dreams are constantly teaching us and beckoning us to go deeper. How can we listen more deeply to the quiet murmurs of our soul? And what can we do to ignite our dreaming and get into tracking our dreams to ensure that we don’t miss these invaluable teachings?
John will teach the three levels of dreaming and how to identify prophetic or teaching dreams that help us navigate our souls path. He will share practices that helps us to become more aware of our dreams and what we can do to “track” the dreams and bring them back into our daily life. This is important because as we track our dreams to deeper levels of clarity so we also learn to track our waking lives and develop the capacity for experiencing more soulfulness.
16th Jan: Session 1: John will speak about the practices and provide tools like a guided meditation (each participant will be able to download this recording).
23rd Jan: Session 2: This session will be more experiential with participants sharing their dreams from the past week and any questions or concerns they may have.
The fee is $75 for the two sessions. A recording of each session will be available for all ticket holders for 30 days. Each session will start at 1pm NYC, 6pm UK, 7pm CEST
About John
John Lockley is a traditionally trained Sangoma (African Shaman) & Healer from South Africa. He was apprenticed and initiated into two different lineages, the Swazi and Xhosa. His Xhosa apprenticeship took 10 years and he was foreseen in a dream by his teacher, MaMngewvu, a senior Xhosa sangoma in the same tribe as Nelson Mandela, who invited him to be her apprentice. Today John runs Ubuntu (humanity) and re-wilding retreats worldwide to help modern people reconnect to their ancestors and the wilderness. His retreats are based on his book ‘Leopard Warrior’ and audio course, ‘Way of the Leopard’, both produced by Sounds True.