Walking the Deer Trods with Elen Sentier
Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
Elen Sentier grew up in a long family lineage of following the Deer Trods; in this book she tells of the old, forgotten ways of our ancestors. Through her own experience, stories, practical exercises and journeys with the deer, Elen takes you into the realm of the Boreal Forest, of which Britain is a part, to show how the Deer Goddess is the spirit of this land. To walk the deer trods is to realise how close and connected you are to nature and everything in this beautiful world which we share with our non-human brethren. You learn, too, that our everyday world and otherworld are intertwined.
In this webinar Elen will talk about how Walking the Deer Trods helps you connect in the everyday world. It really makes a difference to your:
- Confidence
- Boundaries & work/life balance
- Knowing your Strengths and Blind Spots
- Making mistakes successfully
- Being the Real You
The webinar will start as 3pm NYC / 8pm UK. A recording will be available for all ticket holders for 30 days.
About Elen
Born into a family who practiced the Old Ways of Britain for generations, Elen Sentier uses her skills as a best-selling author, psychotherapist, life coach and witch in her business – Shit Creek Survivors – to help people rewrite their stories, stand in their power and reconnect to their Wild selves.
Elen knows the spiritual and the everyday are two sides of one coin and both are vital to living a good, happy and healthy life. In this webinar she’ll show you how you can do this so that you truly are your real authentic self, combining body and spirit into the whole it’s meant to be.
Elen lives on the borders of Wales and England in a quirky old 16th century farmhouse that she shares with her black witchy cat, Kellan, a host of wildlife, and her ex-particle physicist husband – she’s had Quantum Entanglement with the cornflakes for fifty years!
Her bragging rights include dancing for Arlene Philips; flying in Jaguar fighter aircraft; doing plasma- physics at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy; and being kissed by Mick Jagger! She loves cats, eats paleo, and her motto is “If the cat and the boyfriend disagree, get rid of the boyfriend!”
Website: https://www.elensentier.com/