Empowering Healers and Therapists: Mastering the Basics of Financial Wellness
Tue Apr 4, 2023 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
For many, being a healer, therapist, diviner, etc., is a passion and an inner calling. For some, it’s even their life purpose. Unfortunately, the reality is not always directly aligning your life purpose with your income. Spirit is not filling your fridge, paying your rent, and bolstering your pension. Your clients will have to finance that. Whilst spiritual people quickly point out that everything is energy, many don’t extend that view to money. But money is a unique form of energy that comes with its own set of rules. This webinar will help you to understand the basics of those rules.
An easy example to illustrate the point - You can call yourself a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, or Tarot reader – for your Tax officer all those names don't matter. They will treat you as a sole trader, a director of a Limited company, or in a similar function depending on your local tax laws. This tax treatment will have consequences for example on how much you have to charge per session to break even.
Like every self-employed person, healers and therapists need a basic understanding of budgeting and cash forecasting if they want to make sure that their services are on solid monetary ground. In this 90min webinar, we will cover the main fundamental aspects of budgeting, pricing your service, and cash forecasting. To establish a kind of Financial Wellness for yourself will help you to focus on the wellbeing of your clients. Each participant will receive a specially designed Excel template that supports the process.
We will discuss topics such as Tax, Pension, and Insurance during the webinar. Still, given the huge variance in local laws and regulations, those topics must be covered more broadly.
A recording will be available for all ticketholders for 30 days. The webinar starts at 3pm NYC / 8pm UK.
About Christian Thurow
Christian has worked for 20 years in Finance, Audit, and Risk Management. Apart from his “professional” degree and qualifications, he is also a Shamanic Practitioner, Pachakuti Mesa Carrier, and Reiki Practitioner. Whilst one of his aims is to bring more spiritual awareness into the business world, he realized that this is not a one-way transfer of knowledge as there is an equal need to bring more financial knowledge to spiritual practitioners and therapists.