SHARE Cyprus 2024 International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum
Tue 16 Apr 2024 09:00 - 17:30
Nicosia Municipal Theater, Mouseiou 4, Nicosia 1097
1. DISCOUNTED TICKETS FOR ETEK and CAA members - These tickets are exclusively for architects, ETEK and CAA members, who work in architectural practices, academics.
PRICES: 59 Euro / ticket - until 14th April | 79 Euro / ticket - after 14th April
2. TICKETS FOR OTHER PROFESSIONALS - engineers, interior designers etc.
PRICES: 79 Euro / ticket - until 14th April | 99 Euro / ticket - after 14th April
3. BUSINESS TICKET FOR COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES - These tickets are for developers, real estate and constructions.
Attendance by representatives of the companies supplying materials, technologies and services to the construction is limited. To request access tickets please complete the online form here - click.
PRICES: 175 Euro / ticket - until 14th April | 225 Euro / ticket - after 14th April
4. DISCOUNTED TICKET FOR ARCHITECTS UNDER 25 YEARS OLD - These tickets are exclusively for architects under the age of 25 and are subsidized by the organizer. The access in the event is made with the ID card shown at the check in area (mandatory).
PRICE: 25 Euro / ticket
5. COMBINED TICKET - includes access for 1 company representative, display of 1 roll up (0.8 x 2 m) in the networking area, 50 promo materials distributed to the info point.
PRICES: 750 Euro / ticket - until 14th April | 1000 Euro / ticket - after 14th April
The tickets include:
- access to all SHARE Cyprus 2024 Forum lectures;
- networking with peers and architecture leaders;
- coffee breaks;
For details about the business tickets & partnership packages please send us an email at
For any information about the tickets & payments methods, reply to us at