Come together for Palestine
Sun 26 Nov 2023 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Pakistani Muslim Centre, S9 3LQ
Mark UN International day of solidarity with Palestine with us - as well as delicious food, we will have music from Tadhamon and also the premiere of Shanshula, a new film from Musheir El Farra that tells the story of the Gaza fishermen and women who still go out to see in spite of the Israeli gunboats.
In spite of the ongoing genocide and all the terrible things that have happened in the past 7 weeks, and continue to happen in Gaza, we need to make a point of showing solidarity and celebrating the sumud (resilience) of Palestinian people and the support we give in Sheffield.
As you can see from the video Sheffield people have already done so much.
Please join us. Let's do more!
Pakistani Muslim Centre, S9 3LQ