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We are a collective of women who live, work or study in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex or West Sussex. We organise monthly gatherings of women (free creche) and campaign on issues that affect us. Our monthly gatherings aim to:
- Build mutual support and friendship
- Information sharing and analysis of women’s diverse experiences
- Discussion of feminist ideas
- Organisation of events and activities for women
- Public campaigning in support of women’s liberation
Our monthly Sisters Salons are open to women from all walks of life, everyone is welcome. Our campaigns are funded by donations. Donate here if you are able to support us.
Our Salons and free creche are funded by donations and previously by Brighton and Hove City Council until the Community Fund was cut in 2024 due to Council budget cuts.
If your child has additional needs and the Sisters Salon is not appropriate, please get in touch and we can fund your childcare/care costs to facilitate your inclusion.
We can cover travel costs for women on low incomes, un-waged or with no recourse to public funds.
Our campaigns are funded by donations. Donate here if you are able to support us.
Unless specifically organised as a mixed-sex event, all our meetings and activities are for women only, by which we mean people aged 16 or over who were registered/observed as female at birth, regardless of current gender identity. This is because we believe it is important for women to have self-organised spaces in which to discuss our collective interests. For those looking for unisex, or male services/groups Brighton & Hove City Council signpost here and here.
To learn more about our group and our campaigns visit our website and follow us on twitter. Please read our mythbusters here. If you want to create spaces for women please download our activist pack that tells you everything you need to know.
Our rules........
Sales close on the Wednesday before the event.
Many of our topics can trigger disclosures of sexual & domestic abuse. Women often talk about difficult and personal issues. We hold this space to enable women to do this. Many have no other space in their lives dedicated to reflection in this way. To enable women to feel safe, centred and empowered to do this, all attendees enter into our community pledge; confidentiality, sensitivity, trust, respect and sisterhood.
Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline run by Refuge on 0808 2000 247 for free at any time, day or night.
RISE Domestic Abuse Helpline 01273 622 822 we're here on Monday and Tuesday mornings, 9.30 - 12.30pm and Wednesday 5-7pm or self refer here
Rape Crisis unisex call free on 0808 500 2222
Revenge Porn Helpline 0345 6000 459 Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Emails can be sent any time to help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk
Paladin - National Stalking Advocacy Service 020 3866 4107 https://www.paladinservice.co.uk/
Helpline provides advice to victims of stalking and advocacy to high risk victims of stalking, raises awareness of dangers and risks of stalking, develops a victim's network of support as well as providing training to professionals and campaigning.
The National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300 https://www.suzylamplugh.org/Pages/Category/national-stalking-helpline Practical advice and information to anyone who is currently or previously been effected by harassment or stalking.
Women of Colour Brighton A community for women of colour, including non-binary people of colour https://www.womenofcolourbrighton.co.uk/
Navigate Peer support group for anyone who is transmasc, gender diverse and assigned female at birth https://www.navigatebrighton.co.uk/about
Brighton LGBT Switchboard helpline 01273 204050 https://www.switchboard.org.uk/what-we-do/trans-support/