Sunday AMBER Ride : Davey G's 60th Birthday Big Bash Bicycling Bonanza!
Sun 26 Nov 2023 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Brookside Pharmacy, S60 4HY
Leaving from Brookside Pharmacy at 9:00am.
Please read the section titled COVID-19.
- RIDE CAPTAIN: Paul Haigh
- PACE: 14-16mph (Average pace over standard terrain)
- DISTANCE: 60 miles (of course!) / 96.5 km
- TERRAIN: Predominantly FLAT (with ONE climb)
- ELEVATION: 1989 ft / 606 m
CAFE STOP: The Pantry, Misterton
Davey G's 60th Birthday Ride
This is one of those rare occasions where age IS a number, as we pedal a mile in celebration of each year (60!) that the club's very own Peter Pan (Davey G) has been on this earth.
Dave is one of those rather annoying cyclists who seems to get better as they get older, cycling further and faster as time passes by.
Join him today for a birthday ride out to Misterton, with a cafe stop at the fantastic Pantry 8020.
Now we all know that he loves a bit of a singalong, so don't be surprised if you find yourself belting out some tunes while you pedal along! ....
What do you need?
Helmets are required and carry at least one spare inner tube plus a basic tool kit comprising a minimum of:
- Multi-tool
- Tyre levers
- Chain tool (chain breaker)
- One inner tube (preferably two)
- Spanner (with multiple size holes, helps with brake/pedal situations)
- Spoke key
- Mini pump (or gas canisters and valve)
- An emergency tenner (useful at the cafe stop if nothing else)
In the Winter months, riders should have full-length mudguards and preferably a mudguard flap - it helps to keep our kit clean!
Our no-drop policy applies to every club ride so there will usually be a tool for the job amongst us somewhere and hands-on deck to help out. However, it's still wise to carry a toolkit of your own in case you have to head back home alone for any reason. More information can be found on our site here:
Rules of the road
Everyone on a club ride needs to take responsibility for the safety of others as well as for themselves. In order to ensure our rides remain safe as well as good fun, we ask all our members to follow some basic rules and standards of cycling etiquette. If you're considering just doing part of this ride we would recommend you familiarise yourself with the area and/or bring a map of some kind. However, if you ask the Road Captain they will help as much as possible in directing you. Please let someone know if you leave the ride/group as we don't want to waste time searching for you if nothing is wrong. If you are struggling in any way don't suffer in silence, please let the Road Captain know so they can help if possible.
▪ "All on" – referring to the group has now reformed as one, and the pace can now return to ‘standard’ or a suitable pace (sometimes lower than standard if later in the ride).
▪ "Car back" – where a car is coming up the group from the rear.
▪ "Car front" – where a car is coming down the group from the front.
▪ "Inside" (often accompanied by pointing) – alerting to potholes, gully drain or general hazards kerbside of the two columns of riders, where action is required to avoid.
▪ "Knock it off" – referring to someone having been dropped from the group and the immediate need to slow the pace out of courtesy to bring them back.
▪ "Middle" (often accompanied by pointing) – alerting to potholes, speed humps or general hazards between the two columns of riders, where action is required to avoid.
▪ "Out" (often accompanied by left arm behind back) – meaning the group must avoid parked cars or a hazard by riding out into the road.
▪ "Outside" (often accompanied by pointing) – alerting to potholes, manhole covers or general hazards roadside of the two columns of riders, where action is required to avoid.
▪ "Single out" – indicating that the road is possibly not conducive to riding 2 abreast, the outside riders should move behind the rider to their left forming a single line.
▪ "Slowing" (often accompanied by raising right arm up and down) – meaning that the group should temporarily slow its pace, sometimes to allow lights to change, or cars to turn into a junction.
▪ "Stopping" (accompanied with an arm in the air) – simply that we're stopping.
We expect all attendees to follow all guidance currently in place as set out by the government. Ride Captains will choose a café stop that has outside seating and doesn’t require booking. Then the choice to sit inside or not is yours. If anyone in your household is displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend a ride. You will be asked to leave immediately.
This is an opportunity to meet up for a ride with others and socialise. Although someone will be determining the route you are ultimately responsible for your own actions.
Brookside Pharmacy, S60 4HY