10th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture
Wed 3 Jul 2024 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, BS8 1QE
The 10th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Caroline Mitchell, Professor of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Keele University, at the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Bristol. This is a public lecture and all are welcome.
Are you feeling uncomfortable? Transform primary care research culture, abandon tokenism and embrace empowering methodologies
We live in an uncomfortable and unequal world. Professor Caroline Mitchell will share examples of research from UK primary care which chart a growing ‘Deep End’-inspired research movement to tackle health and research inequities through disruption of traditional research hierarchies and methods.
Expect challenge to the status quo, even discomfort. Many researchers may find kinship in a community of good practice and others may be empowered to shift the conversations within their own institutions to deliver research equity. 'Patients and the public rightly expect a change in how research is done - with and for them.
Caroline Mitchell. MBChB MD FRCGP PGCertMedEd
Caroline leads a research group, 'Primary Care of Under-served populations', which develops and tests healthcare interventions for people living in the most socioeconomically deprived communities, from ethnic minority populations or people with complex needs. Since 2016 Caroline has worked with Deep End Sheffield Cluster Research Network, the Deep End PPI group, their practitioners and community groups.
Please note that this lecture may be recorded.
Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, BS8 1QE