SOT Advanced Module - Advanced CMRT
Sat 13 Jul 2024 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM AEST
Mantra on Russell, 3000
Mantra on Russell - 222 Russell Street, Melbourne, VIC
Join us for this 1 day Advanced SOT session with Dr Jo Sexton
Advanced Chiropractic Manipulation Reflex Technique (CMRT).
Mastering Visceral procedures, this advanced CMRT session will bring an understanding the visceral system and how to apply techniques to deal with complex cases.
- Based on DeJarnettes original 1939 work, Advanced CMRT (Bloodless Surgery) allows the clinician a thorough understanding of function, physiology and procedures to aid the Visceral-fascial system.
- Master intricate visceral-fascial techniques to resolve complex health issues.
- Enhance your expertise in visceral manipulation and fascial integration to effectively address complex patient symptoms.
This seminar deepens your practice with hands-on strategies that go beyond standard care, enhancing your capacity to improve patient symptoms and overall wellness.
It's the perfect opportunity to refine your skill-set and achieve new levels of therapeutic excellence.
This advanced session, suitable for both beginners and experienced chiropractors, offers hands-on techniques to refine your approach and achieve transformative patient outcomes.
Previous basic SOT experience is essential for this Advanced Module, SOT foundation CMRT session is a prerequisite, for clarification please contact the office.
"Elevate Your SOT Practice and Unlock” the full potential of organ-visceral connections in your patients and in your practice. Elevate your skillset, enrich your practice, and revolutionize patient care with our focused CMRT seminar.
Contact - (07) 55 762 132 or email - with any queries.
Session Time
Registration 8.15 am
Session Start 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
Mantra on Russell, 3000